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About ScumBag_Rawr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ScumBag_Rawr

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Ok, Thank You. I Submitted A Application.
  2. ScumBag_Rawr

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    wanted to know if you guys got my application??? name is Abraham, ign honestabe.
  3. Name:Abraham Age:19 TeamSpeak Name: ScumBag Mic?: Yes Why do you want to join?: Always been a teamplayer and am used to callouts on cod. Experience in game: 35Hours On DayZ SA, Limited. Timezone: UTC-8:00 Bio: Friendly, Dont shoot on site unless at a military base or airfield, very cautious. My decisions are thought out and arent half assed. In game Name: HonestAbe