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Everything posted by 'twas

  1. 'twas

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Tell me, how could I have mannaged to down resolution to 320x200 just by changing overall quality to Normal? That's not normal! :D Plus I get these error msgs after which it usualy crashes and resets my minion O.o http://i62.tinypic.com/1z333o7.jpg
  2. It would be very useful if there was something like "Switch this, if you want to hear sounds, while you are on the desktop checking email, or something." button in audio menu. It is very useful in HC Path of Exile and since DayZ has "one life only" system too, I would greatly appreciate it! (:
  3. 'twas

    crawling through open doors

    So I was sniping the hospital from a flat near it and from nowhere I fell down with the statuse of fracture and that my leg is in pain ( Even though I didn't fell anywhere ) So I was like "Ok... I'll just find some painkillers, branches and bandages, so I can heal it." Turned out I can't crawl through open doors in the buildings O.o. So I just shift-tabed him and waited for a slow death by thirst and hunger. That's what I call karma :D. Can you please repair this bug?