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Everything posted by y0ka

  1. y0ka

    Disappearing Gun Parts

    Yeah i still have that same problem. looks like a waiting game for this. but...i guess we can look on the bright side...we should be experts with iron sights by the time the fix comes out haha! Here's my posting that got merged with a video I did to show it in action: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/184299-attached-scopes-missing/
  2. y0ka

    Attached scopes missing

    I've got nothing. this blows haha
  3. y0ka

    Attached scopes missing

    Thank you thank you! I'm going to try some more troubleshooting tomorrow, will keep in touch.
  4. y0ka

    Attached scopes missing

    I've tried the damaged and worn as well. i just lost hours of gameplay do to me getting outscoped. frustrating stuff.
  5. y0ka

    Attached scopes missing

    So it's been about a week and all of the scoped in the game don't work. I've tried verifying files through steam, re-install, different guns/scopes, and hardcore/reg. Here's a video of me showing the problem and the things I've tried to fix it...(i.e.- dropping weapon, removing attachment) http://www.twitch.tv/y0kalol/c/4011006