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Everything posted by zsneerfulz

  1. zsneerfulz

    Linux dedicated dayzexp crash

    Last I heard it only runs on 18.04 LTS.
  2. zsneerfulz

    DayZ Experimental Server problems

    Last I heard you need to go back to 18.x.x LTS. The later or latest like 22.04 isn't supported and probably won't be until they get some real linux support. IMO
  3. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.21 (Change Log)

    Same goes for Linux
  4. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    Please report a bug on feedback tracker.
  5. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    There's a fix coming at some point. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163855
  6. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    How was this even released with Linux server crashing on startup? I'm amazed at the lack of attention.
  7. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    Still no updates. :(
  8. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    running CF mods seems to wipe tents, anyone confirm that? Also VPP admin seems to spawn users looking like zombies that have cuts and bleed, zombies seem to have no affect when hitting players. Seems like mods just don't run right.
  9. zsneerfulz

    Stable Update 1.16

    Yes where is Linux Server? Seems to run fine, other than a seg fault on shutdown.
  10. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    That is a custom script, you should talk to the guy who made it or change the 30 secs to something like 60s
  11. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    As far as cars, I've discovered that a vanilla server med pop the cars are fine. I have really no issues except maybe a bit of lag here and there which is fine if I'm not driving 100KM/h. On a heavily modded server with all the things that make cars work turned off collisions, clipping, etc then the cars are laggy, bouncy and generally not good. In my experience. Is this assessment correct?
  12. zsneerfulz

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    Does the cfggameplay.json file work for Linux? It doesn't seem to work for me. I'm running ubuntu 20.04.3 Thanks Yes I added enableCfgGameplayFile = 1; in serverDZ.cfg
  13. In Dayz Server Browser my server intermittently shows no mods. I have no issues if I use Dayzsalauncher. Other users report the same issue, I looked through the list of servers and it appears a lot of servers have this same problem. Thanks
  14. zsneerfulz

    Stable Update 1.07

    I found if you have verifySignatures = 0; the mods don't show. Makes sense now that I think about it.
  15. zsneerfulz

    Stable Update 1.07

    Should server mods show for the servers now in the server browser? Mine do not show since I switched from using dayzsalauncher?
  16. zsneerfulz

    DayZ 1.0 linux server support?

    Any update on Linux server files? Does anyone at Bohemia even read these comments?
  17. zsneerfulz

    Stable Update 1.04.152076

    Just wanted to Note, I had major studdering with my video running 4K after this update. After some troubleshooting got me nowhere, I renamed my DayZ folder under Documents in my Windows account and let Dayz recreate the configuration files and that seems to have fixed it for me. :)
  18. zsneerfulz

    Make Linux Servers a Possibility!!!

    What is the status? Did it pass QA five months ago?
  19. zsneerfulz

    Server Ram

    How much RAM does your server have? Also is the server modded?
  20. zsneerfulz

    DayZ 1.0 linux server support?

    Any updates for Linux support? We are all waiting.
  21. zsneerfulz

    1.0 Server files incomplete?

    After the update my server has no loot or zombies, I noticed globals.xml and economy.xml files aren't in the mission file anymore. Is this on purpose? Can I just copy the ones from the last update over?
  22. zsneerfulz

    1.0 Server files incomplete?

    are you running the server and client on the same PC?
  23. zsneerfulz

    High CPU load

  24. zsneerfulz

    High CPU load

    Mine does the same thing, its normal. Everything like events, economy, AI, db query/updates and such are always running. My Xeon quad core 3.16GHz runs between 22 and 29%.