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Everything posted by SubstanceP

  1. SubstanceP

    Voice & Text Communication

    A lot of people are saying they would like some form of global chat. Know this...Wustenfuchs and other people who have been READING the posts have seen that in the future 1.8 patch there will be some sort of global chat implemented albeit...something we have to find though. I am excited about this because although I am definitely "for" the immersion and realism, not having a way to communicate globally does make it lonely. Though a Zombie Apocalyptic World...should be lonely. But, as in real life...making communication with a friendly is just that much more rewarding. You've been traveling alone, barely making it by finding a couple of cans of beans and soda here and there. There have been near death experiences with the zombie hoard, but you managed to give them the slip or fend them off with a side arm. You find yourself almost to the brink of no hope...ready to put the last bullet in your head when suddenly you hear footsteps just outside the building you're in that don't sound like zombies. The door swings open...startled, you point the gun at the figure in the doorway. He suddenly ducks back around the door frame for cover yelling, "Friendly! Don't shoot!" You hesitate a bit, finger tightning around the trigger, afraid that this could be a trap. He steps back out into the doorway slowly, you see he is armed with only a flash light. He's no threat to you...so you drop your weapon at the side and communicate back...perhaps making a lasting friendship. AMAZING..if you ask me...i'm gonna go hang out at the Church now to try to re-enact this scene...I have chills just thinking about this... Plus...there are plenty of 3rd party programs...Team Speak, Skype, etc. that people have mentioned that you can use to find someone to play with and have constant communication if you wish. Although I push for realism...I still Skype with my close friends IRL who play the game so we can meet up quicker or strategize our route through loot runs in the NWAF or big cities.
  2. I believe GoblinShark sums the points up very well. Post-Apocalyptic zombie world does not mean everyone is going to suddenly ban together as the last of the human race and live and prosper. Resources are limited (granted this is a PC mod for a game...therefore there is respawn of loot), conditions are harsh, there are infested in the streets, and if I have enough rations for myself...you can bet that I am not going to share it with some random stranger I meet. Sure...if I see someone in the distance I might watch them for a while...following them to feel out their intentions. As long as I keep distance, I can observe the person carefully...trying to figure out if they mean harm to me or not. But if I am in the firestation and suddenly you open the door with weapon in hand...you can bet I will fire first if given the chance. I would take the same approach IRL...shoot first, ask questions later. This "game" as it stands is supposed to be a mod of a military simulator. I treat each life as my own, making decisions that reflect my instinct for survival if this were real. That's how I choose to survive. As GoblinShark said...if someone wants to survive by the means of "kill or be killed," so be it...you got in their way and you were the weaker link. In a world with no rules to govern the way people act...people are driven to their most primal instincts to survive. Basically, find a way to adapt..."fight or flight,"...and survive...or...die :)
  3. Yes (w/ a tweak) There has been mentioned "picking" spawning items. This would allow for a player to choose a playstyle. Maybe choosing between 2 or 3 items of the current starting items.