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About bjoswald

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    On the Coast

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  1. Hello, Sorry in advance if this has been posted before, but I have a little niggle about the AKM. I noticed it typically spawns with a plain wood-colored buttstock and handguard, despite the cherry-colored handgrip. Is it possible to change this to at least be solid black? I'd like to use all the synthetic pieces but that cherry color really throws it off. Just a minor nitpick is all. Love the game, love the gun.
  2. Some ideas a friend and I were tossing around: 1. Sewing Kits should repair gloves and backpacks 2. Sharpening Stones for melee weapons 3. Ammo crafting: *Reloading spent ammo *Custom ammo types (armor piercing, Dum-Dum, etc) 4. Clothing enhancements (kevlar stitching to reinforce assault vests, body armor,etc) 5. Clothing crafting / sewing / tailoring Thank you for reading and the continued development. I look forward to playing for a long time!