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About Touchdown

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  1. Touchdown

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Rangefinding should be done by using (functioning) mildots, give people something to learn. Not really a fan of full ghillie suits either, however a craftable ghillie jacket would be a nice middle ground. Maybe have some limitations on it as well, no assault vest or limited backpack size to go with it. Items and mechanics should have drawbacks as well.
  2. Touchdown

    A short story about loot, and death.

    I've had similar experiences with other people. On one occasion a friend and I managed to kill the guy in question to find he had his gear loaded with boxes containing other boxes (medkits, protector cases, etc.) as well as multiple assault vests filled with items in his backpack. Yesterday morning I caught another player with similar equipment to find that I had to use 16 hits with the SKS at below 100m to kill him. Now, there definately are hacks in DayZ, but I have a creeping suspicion that there are certain players either a.) exploiting a glitch that causes the items to "tank" the incoming damage beyond anything intended by the developers or force massive desync as we've seen with these kind of containers in the past.
  3. Touchdown

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    There you go: New town added "Stealthkanovka"http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=252228369
  4. Touchdown

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Unless it isn't. Standing right at the location now, nothing.
  5. Touchdown

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    Very nice that they choose the K version of the MP5. Folding stock or not, this thing will most likely fit in our backpacks, no more crappy sawn off shotguns!
  6. Hm... unless they've "stored" these characters for weeks now I don't think that's really plausible. What would be the reason for storing players with old "hacked" items? You have to understand that these players are 99% of the time found in the PVP hotzones, running around like complete idiots, hence it is fairly easy to kill them when they're distracted. Doubt their average life span could be that high. That said, at least from my experience most players just dump hacked items out in the woods so that the next server reset will destroy them instead of re-using them since people don't want to get banned. We may be getting to the bottom here however. Before maybe 7-10 days ago, I've never seen the infinity M4 or noticed people spraying through multiple buildings, so these just could be entirely new features altogether, now that's quite numerous. Your asumption is correct, only playing on stable, BE enabled servers. //Edit: Thanks for taking your time to communicate with us by the way.
  7. This is part is interesting. Before the last major update I met one definitve hacker who was just teleporting around trolling people. Alone today I've seen two people spraying full auto infinite M4, killed three more with the unlimited ammo mag in their guns and inventory full of pristine protector cases with all pristine equipment in. To add to this, people from my group have been killed twice these last couple of days alone by players teleporting in from nowhere shooting the exact same infinity M4 - spraying through walls that is through two buildings and a fence. Could it be that the ammount of stuff that BE is currently detecting is just lower at the moment? Definately seems so.
  8. Touchdown

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    You're ofc right, the AKM isn't really a battle rifle but probably the only Soviet made weapon that comes close. The final thing that comes to my mind would be the Saiga 308, not sure how viable that would be though.
  9. Touchdown

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    Battle rifles? Yes please, but in consistency with what we have in game. We got UN Military Berets? Well, good, give us an FN FAL or a G3 with attachments. Maybe an M14 to go with the US Camo shirts, an AKM and we're golden. I'd rather have the option of a gazillion attachments with specific spawn spots for one gun and additions than 50 different military grade rifles that have no place in a former soviet republic. Not a battle rifle but as an extremely rare item they could add the AUG F3 to go with the New Zealand Military beret. If there's still need for more weapon p0rn after that, they could always fill up the loot table with civilian weaponry - semi-auto versions of military rifles, tons of pistols (with mags that only spawn in civilian areas), exotic hunting rifles.