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About Archosaurus

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  1. Yes, I have. 9 shots of 5.56x45 hasn't been enough in some cases. That's not the point, we're not talking about dirt cheap ammo shot at "real" combatants, nor are we talking about .22 pistols. Getting shot by 7.62x39 and anything up should knock you right off your feet.
  2. Pretty much this. If we could have a populated "vanilla" community, with sub modes like 1'st person only for example, nothing major, then yeah, as long as you can't see mod servers without mods if you don't want to and vice versa, it's good. Modding is good, and lets people make the game to what they want, but if the vanilla game dies out and no better alternative is given (!!!!) then it's bad.
  3. Hey, modding is usually good, but think of it this way: If competitive Counter Strike was given up in favor of gungame mods and surfing, do you think CS would be at all the game it is now?
  4. I think it's a bad idea. Something like DayZ is a multiplayer game with a set idea for it, and when you let people make their little subcultures, it gets ruined.
  5. Archosaurus

    Holding off the trigger

    I prefer ultra close quarters myself. I win every single fight at under 50m, except if I hold back. Like I did today, when after calling friendly over 5 times, the fool started to shoot and I got him first but I died of losing consciousness and his douche friends shooting me in the head as I regained consciousness. Second time today some Russian stole my crate while I was bandaging with rags in it and his friend shot me when I chased him. All I could hear was the usual "Suck my deek beech". it was kinda funny, but I only had a .22 (Which I didn't load cause I thought it would be no use with 1 round, huge mistake, I had it in my holster and I could have shot him in the head :/) so they effectively killed me for a .22 and some rounds. These people sure are boring, and hostile.
  6. Archosaurus

    Holding off the trigger

    Bandits are okay, but there is little to no risk to playing as one, and I believe there should be. That would be more interesting I think. It takes real balls to walk up to some guy with an SKS pointed at your face, with your gun down in the current state of the game, though.
  7. Archosaurus

    Holding off the trigger

    I met my first friend on DayZ as follows: I had fell down stairs at the Balota AF and my leg along with pants were all borked. I proceeded to crawl around for half an hour or so in search of morphine or sticks, and as I was making my way to the medical house, I saw some guy in full gear, gasmask and everything. I went prone, with the slight temptation to shoot him in the face because he was unaware but I called out to him. He ran into a bush and started aiming around. He could not see me so I explained that I'm friendly, my leg is broken and I'm right there. I stood up and called out to him, expecting to hear a bullet crack any second but he actually ran at me. I got down and he gave me morphine and we proceeded to get into a heated firefight with multiple people, and after me shooting him with an SKS from 200m or so (It was very hectic) a few times, we emerged victorious. My first though was "Great, prey, I can probably loot some morphine off him." but by saving him, there was no chance of the morphine being ruined AND I made a friend.
  8. Actually, you do. Ever been shot in the chest by even a low caliber rifle from long range while wearing a good vest? It's fairly painful, and even if the shock alleviates it a bit, no one is returning fire very effectively.