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Everything posted by Gubbjeveln

  1. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Those Z´s have moved inland. I played a couple of chars in North Europa servers on Exp and 1pp. It has been exiting to meet Z´s in places never seen before, I.E. dirtroad crossing a forest. First I assumed that there are more ppl who enjoy herding them, I´ve done this for a time now and think that is amusing. But now I have seen so many, 8-12 in the smallest of villages so I think that their spawns has been changed. BUT, I turned to this forum in frustation. AGAIN I lost gear collected with sweat and tears, due to server crasch. Fiddling with my equipment and by mistake moving my protection case onto the ground for one second, BAM "session lost". grmble... The devs must understand that this is propably the most frustrating event to get ones gear lost.... pls pls focus on making the system more stable. Server shutdown HAVE to be pre announced, and crashes have to be more seldom. I am sory that I took my steam out in the thread. Otherwise the loot amount (scarse) and the increase in Z´s in random places+smaller towns made my game experience more intence.
  2. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I walked from the coast across the map to the far NW yesterday. SKS and weapons seemed to spawn where they used to (I never went to military places though) had issues to find ammo, mostly shotgun and .22, so I travelled with a shotgun but changed it to my favourite the Mosin as soon as I found ammo for it. I found several magazines for the so hated CR hunting rifle but no rifle. Found several Longhorns, threw them all out in the fields. About infected, there where plenty enough of them, only not in places I am used to. It might be so that there was one or two survivers ahead of me following almost the same path and they lured tham Z´s into spots not normally habitated by them. Nice and shocking to run into four civilian and one military in the middle of a forests dirtroad. I lke this. Usually I fiddle with other things when doing longer transfers and this woke me up for sure. Some locations was littered with loot, this was closer to the coast, then it was more normal inland. Three times i got those red letters no connection for xx seconds, this was the only thing that ruined my experience. I even spoke to two guys who where fullkitted and they did not shoot me. :o Alltogether exp is stable. Now to start searching for and testing what´s new. (exept cannibalism, it does not appeal me)
  3. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    A propo cannibalism. http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1623148/corpse-eaters-give-pakistans-lawmakers-something-chew http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/cannibalism-trial-begins-brazil-trio-article-1.2010422 "Three people charged with killing at least two women, eating parts of their bodies and using their flesh to make and sell stuffed pastries went on trial Thursday in northeastern Brazil." Reality is always worse than ones most horrifing fantasy. But I do not promote this cannibalism in game. If it will be inplemented it should bear severe consequenses for the cannibal, all kinds of deases and loosing the abilities to interact normally. Seeing ghosts, laughing/crying and such. My theory is that this is thrown in as to get DayZ on frontpages in media, so there will be more ppl downloding it = money. Also this is the reason for beeing no 1pp servers up, making it easier for the mass to roam around and feel like "home", for those used to pew pew games. But what do I know?
  4. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Dear Forum I have solved my problem, thank you. The clue was when above discussed that DayzExp has a NEW .exe file. One has to load - in the new experimental, then go to nvidia settings and search...and find the new .exe file. After that one can force the computer to use nvidia grafical card for the new game .exe file. It took me some fiddling (I am not working with computers inside on daily basis = novis) but now I got it working. This posted for those of you who need help in this matter. Now back to become whacked by Z´s and shoot on by bandits. :) Best Regards Gubbjeveln
  5. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Dear Forum I have a issue with unbelievable low FPS, like 2-3fps. And this after the .51 in exp. I played .50 and it was soo beautiful and smooth, and .50 on stable the same, but when loading .51 it is so laggy that I can´t hardly rotate my figure in the start screen or fiddle with settings...one has to wait for a couple of secs after every attempt to move the mouse. I followed the advice here above to dedicate my comp to Nvidias graphic card and that made no change. Before I start to dig into my hardware I would like to hear if others have encountered the same? And possible causes for this. I so want to go back into exp for exploring the news. Plz help me, and thank you for your patience. Best Regards Gubbjeveln
  6. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I do not know how to dedicate a graphic card to a game. I did read his solution but it did mot make me more clever. :(
  7. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    "Oh how I hope someone responds to this post. I have 600+ hours mostly exp 1pp. Now with 51 the game is unplayable. Mouse delays are horrific (played with sensitivity). The ground at my feet will not draw in properly, I get a mesh/blue layer. The smoothness and FPS has crippled the playing experience. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Note: I am a player not a computer engineer so if you could "dumb it down" a bit that would be great." Exactly the same with me. 600hours ingame. Did tweaking long ago. Now exp has 2-3 fps an stable is smooth as varm butter. I really would apriciate a explanation or solution. But explain as for a child, so I understand. Thx
  8. Gubbjeveln

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Hi I did some playing last night for the first time for a while. I tried several servers and it seemed that the wells did not work. Is it only me or are others aware of this? Other thing I noticed was that the game looked much better than last time, and the "flow" in movement has improved. Also, less lag. In the night I, for the first time, saw my friends footprints in the pawement during a moonlighted walk through Novo, it was so magically realistic. GJ dev team. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/536254120281978820/882A54842EC6B9B78C2298356C60081743204FE6/ This is really a good waist of time. ;)
  9. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Have been playing a bit in the morning. Ingame is cold...really cold. I like this. Now I have to stop every 15-20 minutes and make a fire, (fire is easy, needs only paper/rag and kindlings) sit down to eat/drink /rearrange my stuff whilst warming up. I can imagine doing this with a friend and it would be awesome. A totally different game from what anyone ever seen. I made fires in small tree"islands" out in the field to have owerwatch. If you see a fire go there and ask to get warm, I guess it will be ok. Fire doesn´t seem to consume sticks or firewood. Did anyone check if gaslamp/stowe can be used for warming up? So one needs to stock up before moving in to next village, and before moving in, drink, eat and warm oneself up. Really nice as it is ....
  10. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    thx, this is the info I looked for. GJ mate
  11. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Well, it feels like Barnabus just said something he thought, feeld or believed. Is there anyone that KNOWS anything? Because I guess that I am not the only one that wants to go out there to test fish- and rabbittraps... Anyone?
  12. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    So, do you know? Or are you guessing? :/
  13. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Ok, thx. I assume that you know for sure and are not guessing.. ? I did namely play one and a half hour into the maintance time... until about 10:30
  14. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Hi people. I am at North of Europa. It seems to be no servers to connect at the moment. Is it me only or do others have the same? (of course we are talking about experimental) Any info of when they reappear?
  15. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I share your experience. I also faced a lot of hate when bringin this up. So, how if we try to map where it is "easy" to play and where it is "almost inpossible". I mean wich servers, if it might be a issue on servers? Those I have tried wich made me die of starvation within 10 minutes are Swedish, Brittish and German servers. Can someone who has a easy time starting as freshspawn tell on what servers he/she has played?
  16. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    "As already said, Rify for example is choke-full of loot." Nope. Maybe for you, at one or two occasions... not for me. I have now respawned 25 times, and tested every possible tactic. (I have 600 hours mostly on exp 1pp and I am no noob) It is a mystery, what devs want tto measure with this-
  17. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I have tried several times and not suceeded to stay alive ...yet. (I lifted this issue here and on reddit and met mostly hate ...I reealy do not understand ppl) To be honest this build was a schock for me, and I always preach "adapt and improvise" and like survival challenges, I really do. But this is too much. Why put all spawns in those SE shoretowns instead for all over map? Why so little respawn? Why no food? Why no clothes? And c´mon surviving 2.5 kilometers jogging before starving to death! How do you think that we can get anywhere to explore glitches? Of course devs want to test balance, of course balancing can go wrong...BUT with a "so called" dialog with users and alpha and all ... why not confirm that shit have happend? Tell us that you know and are aware, and are repearing... I have patience with the development, but I also know that some havent...you might loose some testpilots now by not informing, who never will come back, wich might be bad for the future. Imagine the day you are sitting here with only B8 and a few scriptkiddies ... and try to make a "realistic survival game" with that input. :) GL Now I really like them devs to tell us what is what.
  18. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I mentioned yesterday here that Experimental 1pp is not playable at the moment (Swe Den and De-servers) due to starve to death before having a chance to find any loot at all. I tested fifteen restarts yesterday (five-six with a couple of friends who had same experiences) and 6 this morning, the longest session lasted 20 minutes, that when I was trying to walk slow as much of the time as possible. When jogging you can reach 2,5-3 km in a straigth level and on a road. The houses and barns and sheds I searched had no, or very little loot all, ruined or badly damaged. As if they where leftovers after others already been there. Nowhere is respawning loot? Z´s are as normal, it consumes a lot of calories and blood to fight them mostly barehanded or with a ruined hammer. It would be interesting to get inland to see the dam or to find how gear are there, but right now it seems very difficult or impossible to do so. When I lifted this discussion yesterday here and on reddit (*facepalm* big mistake) I met a lot of hate towards me and my (assumed) playstyle. Well this is what it is. So let´s try again. Is it only me that has turned into a lousy player after 600 gamehours mainly on exp 1pp? Or has things changed to so unbalanced that it is getting unplayable? Does anyone have tried to do a fresh respawn in exp 1pp the last day? How did you do to survive? And insted of hating here in the thread, plz PM me about that, so the subject does not get littered.
  19. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    How can one poster be sure of that for exampel I do not adapt or that I loot only mentioned towns? A tiny bit corky in my opinion. I have 600 hours ingame, do mostly exp first person and fokus on the survival aspect. now this thread was started to point out that here is clear unbalance at the moment, woch have ben confirmed by several. if one starts walking from factory you have starved to death before you reach reefy. This has nothing to do with adapting because if there are no loot then thete are no loot.. you die and cannot adapt playstyle. :(
  20. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I am pretty sure that loot is not spawning at the moment, combined with that ones calories are consumed in far to fast pace... makes it not possible to play anymore
  21. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Is it a matter of luck if nothing spawns/respawns? So you went by and picked all food, I spawn half an hour later and there is nothing...? Luck?Tactics? Bull. I have over 500 huors and really love the survivalpart and hard challenges, but right now it is not possible to play. Not even after the server restarted while playing there was any food or clothes anyware near where I managed to move. I lost eight characters before I gave up and with them I seached all settlements from Elektro all the way up to Novo.... nothing but wrenches.... (tactics sure) And trying to move inland was not possible as my char died from starvation after 2,5 km´s every time. I tested to pick apples, after picking 30! apple trees I found two!! Rotten! apples.... (tactics sure) and died of starvation Something has gone badly wrong with balansing and need to be attended to quickly. And if you believe that you survive due to skills right now and not by luck so kill your char and do a restart... then come back and tell us your story. ;)
  22. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I played some exp yesterday, with a cople of friends. No benefit to do that as you spawn far apart and right now one starves to death within 2,5 km. :o Even after server restart there is not enough loot to keep one alive, I found and ate one can of pasta and it got me 3-4 km´s... whatever happend, it needs to be rebalanced. Also my buddies complained about that sticky control-bug, makes one very vulnareable to Z´s as one cant move in a controlled way. No food or clothes respawn at all and the only meele one finds is a wrench...as the axes are picked already and does not respawn either. Right now it is unplayable. To sad as it is weekend an many have the time to do so. I can imagine many stops playing for a while now...wich is bad for develpment. Hurry up with balansing plz.
  23. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    So, even if you scavenge a fully geared bandit you can´t survive? I think that them devs need to turn som knobs and pull some levers before the experimental gets deserted by all.. right? I spent my first day off in two weeks trying to have a funny and challenging session with my two friends... now no-one of us has enough spirit to log in until next patch to see what has improved. This sux at the moment
  24. Gubbjeveln

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I have tried to play exp .50 this morning. It has become somewhat more difficult. :/ I did four restarts (died of starvation and combined starve/unconsius beaten by Z´s) and what I found out during this was: -that after a town is looted there will not spawn new loot for them spawning later on that server. I lived in the believe that loot respawns to give those a chance that connects to a server after the first half hour of serverhopping grasshoppers? - Searching for apples or berries is no use anymore, for every 20-30 apple tree you get about 2 rotten! apples, this takes so much time so one will starve to death - After respawn, if one starts to jog (drinks full stomach with water first) one can jog only 2,5km?! then dies of starvation. This means that there is no chance to reach inland to find loot when the coastvillages has been looted by others... These facts combined with that you only spawn along the coast makes it really discouraging to try to play. (Imagine one who just bought the game?) - if possible I would like to have the chance to survive on fruit and berries, up the amount of apples and berries plz - make it possible to suvive longer without food. (irl I do a fast every month/two month, where I only drink water during two days...I manage without fainting or feeling weakness to work during this with no issues whatsoever.) - I really wish that one respawns more randomly across the map, and preferably inside houses... safer and more confusing. Now one knows quickly where one is and is able to start a "lootrun" like them other grasshoppers. This would bring back that feeling of beeing lost one had the first time playing...nice feeling of fear and confusion. I hope that devs see this and corrects it, because right now it is almost impossible to get into the play as a newspawn, or the only way is to watch servers carefully and join when they restart...wich only encourages serverhopping. (I have over 500 hours ingame and like the survival part so pls do not trash me with silly comments about the surviving aspect, I only wish for a balance that is enjoyable)