Hi guys, I am recruiting for my new clan Keepers Of Hell, I need dedicated, hardcore players to survive. I need players who are willing to communicate, follow a command line and share resources. ***THIS IS A DAYZ EPOCH ( NAPF ) CLAN!!! The clan will be playing on The Lone Survivors Epoch/Napf server in which the ip is All players must be able to communicate through voice over Teamspeak 3 ( the ip is TheLoneSurvivors.enjinvoice.com ) and not be childish or kill other squad members through jealousy of gear etc... The rules are do not kill on sight unless we feel the player poses a threat or if it is necessary for us to survive, we are a cross between bandit and hero. We will also need to divide the squad up into main categories as to what gear we carry etc... These categories will consist of: Medic - A member of the squad responsible for blood bagging other members, using defibrillators, bandaging and getting people out of unconsciousness. (typically carries an assault rifle) Assault - A member of the squad that is responsible for laying down heavy fire doing missions and clearing loot areas of zeds, ai, or players. (typically carries either a assault rifle or lmg) Scout - A member of the squad that is responsible for spotting potential threats such as armed players etc... (typically stays hidden and provides overwatch of the squad with a long ranged rifle) Scavenger - A member of the squad that is the first port of call for finding loot and searching dead bodies after/ during a fire fight. They also have the responsibility of supplying food to squad members that are hungry. Your role can change within the game depending to what we have online and generally we all work together with our own preferences. Ranks Captain- Krypted[KOH] Major- Open Staff Sergeant- Open Sergeant- Open Sergeant- Open Officer- Open Officer- Open Officer- Open Private- Open Private- Open Private- Open ***Please post app in this format*** IGN: Ex. Krypted[KOH] Age: Ex. 16 Can you communicate through teamspeak: Ex. yes How often do you play: Ex. 4-5 hours a day Can you follow orders: Ex. Yes Can you lead a fire team safely and efficiently: Ex. yes Scale 1-10 what do you think your overall skill level is: Ex. 9 What is your favorite or go to weapon in Dayz: Ex. mk10 nv Do you have the Epoch Mod installed: Ex. yes Are you familiar with being a bandit: Are you a bandit or hero: Ex. Mix What rank would you be willing to be: Ex. Scout What class would you feel most comfortable being: Ex. Scout