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About PaulyB_1994

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  1. PaulyB_1994

    ultra rare katana

    NO KATANA IN GAME!!! No broadsword either, the most realistic thing would be a machete or kossack, and being able to stick a knife on a stick for a spear
  2. PaulyB_1994

    ultra rare katana

    Considering katanas from Japan are made out of folded steel with carbon in......! Maybe in your head pig iron but if you buy a real katana there made out of folded steel and were from the 1300's
  3. PaulyB_1994

    ultra rare katana

    I'm English, I've never been to japan but appreciate they mastered the art of sword making, I don't want a katana in the game as it's a silly idea, but the katana was the perfectly forged sword
  4. PaulyB_1994

    ultra rare katana

    Do you know nothing? Not true weapons of war? The samurai katana was probably the most iconic and deadly sword ever to have graced the battlefield, maybe do some research before you say katanas are rubbish, TRUE katanas not the fake and replica there crap but a real katana (voted by deadliest warrior) was much more lethal- it had the capacity to behead someone with relative ease. I know a lot about swords and to suggest the katana was not a true weapon of war you need to go get educated.
  5. PaulyB_1994

    Kill on Sight rules

    I suppose, my rage level on this game is gunna get so bad though I hate being shot- especially when your all geared up trying to be the hero lol
  6. PaulyB_1994

    Kill on Sight rules

    Like I always think try and communicate first is the best option, you don't need to run around shooting everyone you see... Or camping waiting for people
  7. PaulyB_1994

    Kill on Sight rules

    Hey guys I don't know about the rest but I don't like the idea of KoS if you want PvP play call of duty It's good if you want to play that kind of game but I wanna be able to go around and explore than being shot at by people just sitting waiting in bushes, could we have servers or a setting like gta friendly mode? Think it would work for players who don't want to play a massive death match
  8. PaulyB_1994

    ultra rare katana

    I agree there's enough zombie games with katanas need something Russian!
  9. PaulyB_1994

    ultra rare katana

    Or even ceremonial swords in military bases for parades?
  10. PaulyB_1994

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Hahaha I got an email straight away mate ;) and I love correcting people instantly.... Think of me as a sort of hamster on cocaine speed replier
  11. PaulyB_1994

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Yes if you read the guy said quite clearly we all know there coming he was thinking of designs and how fast etc..... Idiot!
  12. PaulyB_1994

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    HEY! I rode a bmx to work when my car was in the garage lol but suppose riding a we the people zodiac is probably better than most- I do a lot of bmx ing and it's alright, when base building and stuff goes in tho it would be cool to use build a ramp and stuff maybe a half pipe :D
  13. PaulyB_1994

    ultra rare katana

    Yeah lok not aqua is an angry little kid shouldn't be allowed to post his childish suggestions and keyboard warrior threats here I'm gunna dayz him so bad if I see him can't wait to hear him scream and rage >:D
  14. PaulyB_1994

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    What about bmx's in the towns as well as loads of kids own bmx
  15. PaulyB_1994

    Weapons that should be added

    The TIGR is a Russian civilian rifle!!!!!!