Ever wanted to play a server with lots of cool mods, Well you can, At TCG we have come up with our own mod pack, In this mod pack it add lost of cool features like New Cars (BMW, Muscle Cars), New Backpacks (Lens Backpacks), More Guns, And a lot more, We have called our mod "TCG Modified", In this mod pack it includes: - Chinook Pack - VIL (Taviana) Vehicles Pack - rMod - SMK Animations/Movement/Controls - Pracs Truck Pack - NZX Humvee Pack - NZX MATV Pack - Summer Pack - Len Backpacks - FGS Humvees Pack - EXA Humvees Pack - DM SKY (Graphic Package Update) - Sigma (American Muscle Cars/Veteran) Vehicles Pack - CBA Mod - Buggy Transport/FAV Pack - Cigarettes - BB Clothing Pack - ARP Items - Assets + More Being added, The Server is a NAPF server using the TCG Modified Pack, The Server includes: - Active admins - Missions - Custom Loot tables - Evac Chopper - Elevators - Roof Doors - Master Keys So as you can see the server has a lot of cool things to offer, But now all it needs is Players, Go to the Website: TheCube.No, And download there custom launcher witch will download every thing you need to play on the server, There is a tutorial for it Here. You can also find tutorials on how to use the Master keys, Witch allow you to have all your vehicles under one key, Evac Heli, So you can call you evac heli to come pick you up when you die, All on the Forums (Click Here see all Tutorials) Join There Teamspeak: TS3.TheCube.No If you have any Questions feel free to reply to this post, Go on teamspeak or Make a post on our Forums, We hope to see you soon on The Cube Gaming, -TCG :)