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About furynation

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    Hello guys I am John and I am Co-Owner of Fury Nation. Fury Nation is a gaming community that focuses on all parts of gaming such as console gaming. Console gaming is out main focus such as Xbox and PlayStation. FURY was a professional team for Call of Duty in the Pro Circuit and we have made a community out of it! But recently we have decided to expand into the PC area of gaming which is a vast world and we need your help and show your support for us and follow @FURY_Nation on twitter or visit our website at www.furynation.ne. We do stream a wide variety of games and I personally stream Day-Z when I play!
  1. furynation

    unable to join my own server

    either you need to open a port or for some reson your network doesn't want to see it.
  2. furynation

    unable to join my own server

    How long have you had your server? because it sometimes wont show up for a couple hours. How I know is because I own a lot of Day Z servers Is it only you that cannot connect or find it?
  3. furynation

    Gas masks

    Thanks guys I see you all agree! Thanks for replying!
  4. furynation

    Gas masks

    When people use gas masks do you guys think they are raiders or bandits? Every time when me and my crew are running around whenever we see someone with a gas mask they are usually hostile.