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About EdwinJ714

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  1. EdwinJ714

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    So when I try to play dayz now I cant move at all without the game freezing up on me, I have to stand still for a while before I can look around again. Has anyone else ran into this problem?
  2. EdwinJ714

    Maximum priority on the development of vehicles in Dayz?

    yeah physics first, i agree.
  3. I wouldnt like the game to become a horror game like slender or something of the like, but adding a creepy vibe to it would be nice, id agree with that. so that I want to be in a group instead of running on my own. or so that I feel relieved when I finally meet my sqaud.
  4. EdwinJ714


    mhmmm damn right, marlboro smoothes is where its at
  5. I agree, I see a lot of good ideas here all the time but theyre better suited for the game when its in beta or in its final state
  6. EdwinJ714

    Weapon degradation thoughts.

    Love the idea, you sir... can have my beans.
  7. EdwinJ714

    New Camos?

    Yes, totally agree with OP, new camos would be a nice change of pace
  8. EdwinJ714

    expanding the map/new buildings

    I think an abandoned theme park would be a nice touch, at the moment though I think the devs have other more pressing matters on their hands. But in time I would love to see this implemented. :)
  9. EdwinJ714

    A mysterious shipwreck up north

    I like this idea, I also am looking forward to the day a small back story to dayz and certain locations are added. all in good time though haha
  10. EdwinJ714

    Corrosive Ammo

    I dont really like the idea of "corrosive" ammo buuuuuut i like the idea of ammo condition affecting the performance of the weapon. what i mean by that is pristine ammo wont jam the weapon and the ammo will fly straighter. where as badly damaged ammo will be more likely to jam the gun and be a little less accurate at range. just my opinion on the matter
  11. EdwinJ714

    O.G. DayZ theme music option

    I think some music would be cool
  12. EdwinJ714


    Great idea, it would give us a way to tell who has been alive for a long time by the size of their beard, I know me and my squad would get a kick out of this! :) :beans:
  13. EdwinJ714

    More pain effects/consequences ?

    Like the idea, pretty sure it would be a challenge to implement it though.
  14. EdwinJ714

    Nuclear area

    Love the idea, I dont think it would fit in the current map though, I think your idea would be awesome in later maps or even community made maps. It would be way cool if they put some really cool stuff in the middle of the radiation area so the if you want the loot you have to find the proper equipment to survive. or just run in there and enjoy your cool new stuff and die of radiation poisoning a little while later ha
  15. EdwinJ714


    I really like the idea, if this was implemented right it would make the game a whole lot more interesting in my eyes, you sir can have my beans :)