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Posts posted by ThePalmtopTiger

  1. What resolution are you playing at?

    Sounds like you've had the computer set up for multiple monitors or something before? Amirite?

    That should be a non-issue. I'm playing DayZ with multiple monitors ATM. I often have live streams, music, or the DayZ wiki on the second monitor. Even if this was the issue then setting the two resolutions to the same thing should fix the issue.

  2. Date/Time: 10:00 PM 6/17/2012

    What happened: I first tried the latest dayz using the single player map variant to make sure I installed correctly and I went in to a building to find that 5-10 zombies spawned directly on top of each other, completely avoiding character collision. I thought it was strange, but slowly left the building and played normally. After playing offline for a few minutes I went online and entered a building and got attacked by a single zombie through a wall. I opened the door to shoot the one in the head and move on but lo and behold a flood of zombies directly stacked on each other attacked in unison and killed me (I lost an M4A3 CCO and 3 PDW's :@ ) I checked the forum and haven't found anyone reporting this bug so I started a new character and took a screenshot to show an example, which admittedly isn't the best. http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l494/The_Palmtop_Tiger/Untitled-4.png

    Where you were: Balota Airfield then NW Airfield then Chernogorsk

    What you were doing: Looking for loot

    *Current installed version: DayZ Arma 2 OA 93701 (also tried with 93825)

    *Server(s) you were on: multiple, also offline
