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Sister Ray

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Everything posted by Sister Ray

  1. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Finally found a Sporter. I left an Ak-74 with a mag and a green taloon backpack with several stacks of ammo for it in here: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#7.060.027 The server is Uk5 0-2 1st person (If I remember right, well, it was Uk5-something). It's across the street from the westernmost Old Granny's house in a building I like to call The Hobbit House (the one with freakishly low doorways). Where are you people finding boars at? I can't seem to find any in the usual spots they spawn at...
  2. Sporter with hunting scope: http://imgur.com/a/JJkNW Crossbow with pistol scope (detached Longhorn scope): http://imgur.com/a/qL9uV
  3. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Again, there was a lot of loot at the initial startup. Losing my Sporter w. hunting scope to wipe doesn't feel so bad anymore, as I already found a hunting scope and 30rnd Sporter mag :D Cle is slowly getting there, even though there is still a lot of work. There are a lot of lootgasms, but not to the extent of pre-0.56 persistence off -servers. In a day or two we are back in barren Chernarus, which is cool difficulty-wise, but makes for a somewhat boring gameplay for those who start anew. It's kind of a same problem as in 2017 mod where the hardcore low-loot gameplay was cool, as in it made finding anything more rewarding and the struggle to stay alive was very real. Still, not finding anything anywhere made the world seem kinda stale and empty. I'd like to see more trash- and semi-useful loot spawning and have the food, firearms and such stay rare. I reckon that is the goal and we're getting there slowly, but surely... Imho, now would be a good time to start working on implementing more low-level loot, such as plastic bags, different semi-useful tools, etc.
  4. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yeah, you are right.
  5. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    There could be some changes under the hood without a client update, though...
  6. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    There hasn't been an exp update in 4 days.
  7. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    https://twitter.com/eugenharton/status/600280936685694979 So, anticheat.
  8. Sister Ray

    [EXP] Sporter w. hunting scope & crossbow w. pistol scope.

    Yep, I'm just in love with it! I already posted these in the exp discussion, just thought that it wouldn't hurt posting these pics separately here. But, yeah, mods, merge this if you feel it's necessary.
  9. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Umm, it seems to me that stable just got an update... It says: branches/public/buildid: 581583 › 626308 in the steamdb.
  10. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    I've had good time in exp. My current character has survived from the last wipe, even though I had a rough start. Got robbed of my starter gear in Cherno because of my stupidity. Stopped to bandage myself after killing a couple of zeds for this guy, who then proceeded to tie my hands with a rope :D He was a class act though, even left me a can of food. As he left, he said: "Sorry, man, but this is Dayz", and I couldn't help but to agree. Nevertheless, I got to a good start, because the servers were still fresh after the wipe. Because of this, I can't really say if it's too hard to survive in the current patch. I noticed that at some point the loot was really scarce, which is cool I quess. Had to even use rabbit snares once or twice to keep myself fed. Still, at one point, the world seemed kinda stale and empty because of the lack of zombies and loot. Didn't even come across any players. I like the added difficulty, but perhaps there should be more trash- and mildly useful loot that would spawn in abudance, so that there would be at least something to work on. High points for me have been finding a hunting scope and fitting it on my sporter: http://imgur.com/a/JJkNW This will be my new go-to weapon-scope combo. The scope zoom is still pu-scopish instead of the intended 12x, though. I had also been lugging a pistol scope (You can detach the Longhorn scope now) along with me and finally, yesterday I found a crossbow to test it on. It fits! http://imgur.com/a/qL9uV Decided to leave it behind (A _hard_ decision), because I only had 4 bolts for it and I'm not a dual-wielding guy. I announced the location I left it at in reddit. Sorry guys, but is just easier to post a quick post on reddit than in here :) This is my current character: http://imgur.com/a/jgjTd It's basically my dream setup. I'd like to replace my courier bag with a leather one (The coolest backpack ingame), but haven't come across any boars yet. If there has been a wipe, I'm somewhat bummed, even if it's usually refreshing to start fresh. It's just that I haven't had yet the chance to test my sporter on anyone :D Well at least I got to kill a couple of zeds with it yesterday :)
  11. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Contrary to Hick's tweet, the hunting scope zoom is still not right: http://imgur.com/a/fi4eK Perhaps it's fixed in the new exp update in prep...
  12. Sister Ray

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Played the new stable for about an hour yesterday and I gotta say this might be the best patch in ages, at least once some of the more annoying bugs get ironed out. I started fresh in Krutoy Cap and made my way to Msta thru Tulga. Looting was very exciting, as you never knew what you'd find. I got lucky and found an Amphibia in a brown cottage. I like the randomness of lootspawns, although imho it should be toned down a little. Also, a black skull balaclava in the same cottage. Black skull balaclava actually makes more sense as a civilian spawn than a helicrash spawn. I see it as something that some pimply teenager would buy from a paintball accessory shop and wear in instagram photos in a vain effort to look cool more than something a battle hardened elite soldier would wear (unless if that soldier is a pimply teenager). Ahh, getting sidetracked here... As for people unable to find _any_ loot, it might be the case of playing in a server with persistence set off, even though persistence on is forced: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/313wjc/psa_if_your_server_isnt_spawning_loot_turn_on/ Also, be sure to check every building. In Tulga, I found many buildings completely empty and then one or two buildings with a small pile of loot. Nothing like lootgasms of the past though, just something like two cans of food, knife and a coat in a pile. Finding food was harder, but still fairly easy. Dunno if I just got lucky, gotta test more to be sure... The zombies are leaps and leaps better than before. Sure, they are somewhat glitchy and you feel like a lumberjack cutting down a tree when axing them down, but that's nothing gamebreaking. I like how fast they attack and how agile they are. You should get some bruises and torn clothing when fighting toe-to-toe with a rabid, mad person with no interest in defending him/herself. Perhaps, in the future you should be able to dodge the first, leaping, forceful attack and bury an axe in them, remaining unscatched youself, if you're skilled enough that is. But when they have slowed down, it should be very hard to dodge their blows. I reckon their superhuman health is just something to make them dangerous even when their numbers are still too low. Perhaps, in the future, if you want to fight zombies mainly with melee, you have to choose your clothing accordingly. Durable firefighter jacket instead of flimsy ttsko jacket, anti-stab vest instead of assault vest. But there should still be a push to use a firearm if you have one and some ammo for it. That's actually something that I adore in the current patch. I quickly found out that it was better to use chambered amphibia against the infected instead of my axe. The best tactic against the infected is obviously stealth and that's something that immediately makes current infected better than the ones we had before. I don't care if the infected were 2x faster than Usain Bolt and able to kill you with a kiss to the cheek, as long as they can't see you through buildings and from 500m away, they are better. I like to move stealthly and I can't tell how many times in the past I have had my cover blown by a infected with a 6th sense while stalking a player moving carelessly in a town. And that infected wasn't even scary or hard, just someone I had to walk around in circles and whack with an axe while my prey got away. And to everyone who's crying about the new infected: Just adjust your tactics. I was about to write some more, but I have gotten myself all riled up. I'm off to play ->
  13. Sister Ray

    Post Your Gear So Far

    A bit cartoonish maybe, but still one of my better looking characters....