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Sister Ray

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Everything posted by Sister Ray

  1. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yeah, it's sometimes a huge pain in the ass trying to get ingame after a fresh exp update. I just kinda wished that the number of servers was somehow in scale to to how popular exp seems to be currently. But, yeah, ain't no one got time for that. I mean that it's probably too much hassle to monitor the situation and to open and close servers accordingly and I understand that. Just wishful thinking. I'm just so ronery...
  2. Sister Ray

    Primitive Shelters

    Good suggestion! I've always wondered why people keep drooling on about these huge barricaded bases with helipads, barracks, garages, jacuzzis, dog houses, neatly mowed lawns and all that jazz... I get it, it's cool, but no matter how well you've barricaded and locked it up, it's still bound to get broken into, quite possibly when you and your guildmates aren't even online to defend it. It's far better if your base can't be found, or even seen.
  3. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I'd wish that there would be a fewer number of servers per region, so that they'd be more populated. It's kinda lonely playing on 1st person, with not even the infected there to keep me company. But I quess it might be that the number of servers is something that has to do with the testing of CLE, perhaps simulating the stable environment where there are loads of servers per hive, dunno.
  4. Sister Ray

    Status Report - 27 May 15

    Does disabling persistence mean still using the old placeholder loot system, with persistence disabled, or a gutted version of the CLE? Something like having the loot spawn as in experimental, but respawning on server restarts? Anyway, I quess there are big wheels turning when stuff breaks and takes time to finish. No worries. I wish more people realized that they should take some breaks from time to time when they start to feel burned out. I know it's hard though :D
  5. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Where have you people found barrels at? I've read reports of them being found on police cars. Do they spawn anywhere else? I'd like to try my hand at leather coloring. The improvised leather west is cool (if wore with a shirt that doesn't clip into it), but way too bright without any coloring... I reckon I have close to zero chance of finding one though, with loot not respawning properly...
  6. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Servers coming back online!
  7. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Nah, in the pianohouse at the end of the pier in the docks of inner-city Cherno.
  8. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Servers went down again. Before that I already ended up in a bum fistfight with a ashwood stick -wielding guy in Svetlo, which I lost :D It's always crowded and hella dangerous in spawn areas after wipe. Back to spamming refresh again. After I died I got the Cherno spawn. I want to be the first in so I can gtfo before all the carnage :D
  9. Sister Ray

    NPC (Dead) Bodies

    I can get onboard with your suggestion, but I think the best way to implement something like this would just be to make player corpses stick around longer (decaying over time of course). This way we, ourselves, could be the added atmosphere, post-mortem. Of course there is always the problem of players just returning to their own corpses and taking back everything they lost that didn't get looted by someone (as some people do, even now with corpses disappering fairly fast). So, in that way your suggestion might be better. Some popular places such as the prison island might become a bit overcrowded by stiffs, too :D
  10. Sister Ray

    Awaiting .57

    I suggest that you take a break and check on the progress later, if you're still interested. It's easy to burn yourself out if you play and follow dayz too much during early access, I'm no stranger to that myself either.
  11. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I'm afraid from now on the servers go more like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz1K-oSOtnc :( Till the morning atleast, well it ain't a biggie :)
  12. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    https://twitter.com/eugenharton/status/603290798898212865 "10pm and investigating the network problem. Dont wait up. It might go online in the morning." Sorry, don't know how to link twitter properly =D Servers down again. I think I'll do as he says and try again morningzzzZzzz...
  13. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    The servers are up again, but still no loot it seems...
  14. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    When I said that foraging should be at least partly entry-level survival, I was only meaning that it should be something you can get at right as you spawn, as in something you can use to sustain yourself even if you have hard time finding any useful loot. Of course it should also be a viable survival strategy in late-game. I know the environment dayz takes place in is abudant with forageable plants, etc. I just find it better for gameplay if it wasn't too easy to sustain yourself, as in it would need some skill and time-investment to be able to survive, which is, I think, exactly what you were saying :) I think the best way to simulate this would be to add as many forageable plants as possible. Some of them useful, some of them harmful, some of them completely useless and have the ingame descriptions be minimal (as in my op suggestion). Trapping and hunting shouldn't be too easy either. This way, it's all there, you'd just have to know how to use it. Of course this learning process can be negated by metagaming, as in just browsing dayz wiki or something with pictures and uses of every plant ingame, but still it's something. I also agree with you in that it's way too easy to keep yourself hydrated with every well ingame being 100% safe to drink from without preparation/purifying it. I've only had to purify my water a handful of times when I was in an area without wells nearby.
  15. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Hmm, it's a tough pickle, because obviously we shouldn't make survival too easy. It's a good thing that some of us starve to death (Ingame, I mean :D). Walking up to a plant and promting "pick up" doesn't really portrait the real life struggle, where you should really know what you're doing (as in having the survival knowledge needed) well enough. This is why it's a good idea to add plant-families that have poisonous varieties in them. Still foraging should, at least partly, be entry-level survival, as in something that you do when you don't have a gun to hunt with yet, etc. I'm a layman in survival so I'm not that well versed in edible plants you could forage for. Also, I'm from Finland, which differs somewhat from the area that Chernarus depicts. Wood pigeons and hedgehogs and frogs, etc. you mentioned are good ideas imho, and I think it doesn't matter too much if it seems strange to most of us. I'm also wondering if some domesticated wild animals, such as domesticated pigeons and ducks, as in city-pigeons and -ducks would make sense. I've heard that some of my local, broke junkies have succesfully hunted some city-ducks (the ones that people feed in the parks) with lead pipes (rough, I know =D). Dunno if they'd still be as trusting to humans as before with the infected coming after them, though...
  16. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Damn, this is somewhat hard to admit, but I now realize that you (And Pilgrim) have been right all along about edible mushrooms being unviable for survival food. I didn't quite grasp the idea that it takes more energy to digest a mushroom than what you get from it, and that other nutrients won't help in this situation. You explained it well and I thank you for it. Perhaps I was blinded by the fact that mushrooms are healthy in so many other ways that I couldn't understand how they couldn't at least give you several more hours of being alive before starving. It seems that the devs are still adding edible and poisonous mushrooms ingame and I doubt they will make all of them (even the edibles) harmful or insignificant for you. I think I'm ok with them giving the edible ones some function as in filling your stomach a bit even though it isn't realistic. I quess it would be better if they tried to look for a realistic solution such as your suggestion about them being viable as a side dish or ingredient in for example a soup. We'll see. And, as I said earlier, I think we'll get the mushrooms before some other (perhaps more useful) forageables (Is that a word? I'm not a native english speaker) because mushrooms are somewhat iconic to foraging culture. I'm sure we'll get more stuff to forage later on.
  17. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Every survivor in Chernarus doesn't have 2 military and 1 civilian survival guides in front of them (or is a professional survivalist). If they are hungry and they spot a familiar mushroom they know is edible, they sure as hell are going to eat it. And it's going to help them continue for at least a little while longer. Look, guys. Perhaps we should just agree to disagree on the nutritional value of mushrooms. It's not like this whole debate has any relevance to my original suggestion other than that I said that some of the mushrooms should be edible (and I quess we can all agree on that they'll have at least some nutritional value). The devs have already modeled some mushroom varieties which will be implemented some day. We can leave it up to them to determine their nutritional value. This wasn't the point of my suggestion. It was more about different effects of the varieties, their preparation and identification as in suggestion about how they will be implemented, not whether they should be implemented at all and what their nutritional value should be.
  18. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Could you please post a direct reply instead of editing the post I was responding to, thanks. Because now it seems that I didn't answer your question. It just wasn't there when I replied to your original post =D And to answer you question, I'd probably give a single edible mushroom roughly the same amount of nutrition as an apple.
  19. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    pilgrim, I'm not trying to argue that wild mushrooms are the best or only source of nutrients. Just that they have their place in foragable foods in dayz and aren't useless as food. I know you wouldn't get far with only mushrooms in your diet, but still, you'd get further than eating nothing at all. And there might be a sitution in dayz where you only have choice between eating mushrooms and eating nothing at all. I'd probably eat mushrooms in a survival situation if I happened to come across varities I can 100% identify. I wouldn't spend too much time or energy trying to find them, though...
  20. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Whyherro123 and pilgrim, you are right in that mushrooms contain very little energy, as in calories, but I think it's a bit of an oversimplification to say they have zero nutritional value. Wild mushrooms are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. All of these essential for your wellbeing. Dayz, being a game, has a simplified nutritional system. It only accounts for your stomach capacity and energy. In this system, I think it's completely fine to have wild mushrooms fill you up somewhat more than they realistically would, so that they aren't completely useless, which they are not in real life. Also, there might be a time when all you can find for food is mushrooms :) I don't want to derail this conversation into the realm of nutritional science, though :D
  21. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Oh, and also, a mushroom hunter's handbook of some kind should also be added in the game.
  22. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    The point of my post is that when implementing mushroom hunting into the game, it should be done right. Picking wild mushrooms without any knowledge in the subject will mess you up IRL and imho the game should reflect that. I think it would add some deepness into the game to force people to use their real world knowledge (or learn something) if they're about to eat wild mushrooms, without the game holding their hand and telling them what the mushrooms they're about to eat are (and how to use them). I left out some of the more advanced techniques to identification (such as taking spore prints, as BioHaze pointed out) because that would, imho, be taking the process too far. Anyway, I'm fairly certain that the devs have already put a lot of thought into this and they're not going to make it too easy.
  23. Sister Ray

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Yeah, I get where you come from. I think that the devs are adding mushrooms this soon because they are such an iconic part of foraging. I'm sure there will be more plants to forage later on.
  24. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    By the way, do farms persist over server restarts now? I remember Eugen saying that in .56 they'd be persistent. Perhaps some of you well geared and bored do-gooders should start farms down south for the starving freshspawns. I'm thinking of trading food for blood with freshspawns. Dunno what I need the blood for as I'm lone-wolfing atm, but well, It's always nice to have some blood.
  25. Sister Ray

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Btw, any of you ppl know what causes this? Whenever that happens, I can't help but to wonder if something like this is going down somewhere in my network bubble...