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Everything posted by awechiit

  1. awechiit

    3 Weeks of hard work, finally paid off for my squad

    after being killed in elek by a sniper who didn't take any of my gear.... those 125 murders were 4 days =D also every1 who says im a DCer is a mad fuck... I dont DC, i kill everyone before they can find me. ELEK SNIPER BEWARE, ill hunt you down and kill you from the hill to the west
  2. awechiit

    3 Weeks of hard work, finally paid off for my squad

    come at me noob http://oi46.tinypic.com/fnwx9s.jpg
  3. awechiit

    Day Z Urban Legends

    i have found one and only one mountain dew drink... has any1 else found some?
  4. All those people that claim they found the gun and didn't hack them, yah they are all banned or did you not get that memo? are these guys banned? NO! OMG THEY ARE NOT BANNED?! THEY STILL ARE HACKERS!!!! FUCK LOGIC! i found a scar on a man body! so you say im a 100% proven hacker because fuck logic we dont need it! @goat Lets use your logic =3 this will be fun. You had a Jeep your hacked it in i want a DEV to take your server away. You came back on a bike within several minutes... a ride that would take more then that you spawned yourself need a bike. DEVs REMEBER THIS IS GOAT LOGIC. But seriously your server regularly runs over well over 30 people for hours on end. Yet you happen to die, respawn once, and find a bike hidden at the exact spawn you spawn at? a spawn many people have spawned at throughout the day and none of them found this magic invisible bike? Does anyone else this this is suspicious? oh wait everyone who is not a 7th does. 7ths dont think, they know.
  5. @MrEpicGoat, I have found scars on people's bodies on multiple occasions... If they DID spawn it, the would have been global banned. As for the matter of "You mean you disconnected multiple times and kept reconnecting behind us?.." That give you an excuse to shut your server down to avoid losing a jeep? That seems like a legit and awesome use of your admin powers! (sarcasm). STOP ADMIN ABUSE
  6. awechiit

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    If you are in the wilderness try joining "CANADA 2" joining this server ported me out of the endless wilderness. spawning me west of Pavlovo. It worked for me two times now and for my friend. JOIN CANADA 2
  7. awechiit

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Stuck in wilderness aswell =/ name: AWECHIIT player ID: 18238406 *FIXED***** JOIN "CANADA 2" IT MOVED ME OUT OF THAT PLACE.