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Everything posted by Basshead

  1. Hey guys, I was playing today and I saw a Lee einfield. When I tried to pick it up, I crashed. Any help?
  2. Basshead

    Picking up a weapon crashs me

    I am sadly not.
  3. Basshead

    Renting a server

    I have no idea bout ARMA, but does ARMA use some sort of database management. As in SQL?
  4. Basshead

    Renting a server

    You don't look for DayZ hosting, you look for ARMA 2 server hosting. DayZ is not a standalone, it is a mod for a game. -_-
  5. Hey guys, I am looking for a screen capture program to use for Dayz. I have fraps, but the trial like version where it is only 30 seconds. I would like one that is quality without having to pat 32424$ dollars for it. So if you have any suggestions, please leave them below.
  6. Great vid, you earn some beans and a subscriber. Keep up the good work, I also say your first live action DayZ. Very true.
  7. Basshead

    Good screen capture program?

    Great, me being a total dork about my computer I am glad I can monitor my graphics card and have less of an FPS drop then fraps.
  8. Maybe people need to learn to not use Steam for a game they bought just for DayZ? I bought this game retail about a year ago and I havn't had one problem with anything. Mainly because I manage my updates/everything. I have no idea why he thought a .dll file was a virus.
  9. Basshead


    In my opinion, looting the coast cities is far underated. Grab some supplies there then head in to the forest.
  10. Hey man, that is always fun. It is good to see new guys can be let in and have a good time.
  11. Basshead

    We need keys!

    I know this is a dumb idea, but I have three or four friends that I play with. I always carry a tire with me at all times, but when I find a vehicle I just simply shoot out one tire and when I rejoin I repair it, if they want it they can go find a tire. Dumb idea, but I think that is the only defense you can have at this time.
  12. Hello! Me and my two other friends were playing DayZ. As we were playing one of my friends stumbeld upon a bus and pulled up in Electro or however you say it. She honked the horn and we all got in, as we were driving I was looking at the playerlist and I saw the admins name "Reactive FX". As we were driving along, all of us got kicked. No message. We got back in, drove for some time, got kicked again. The third time we did this we all waited to be kicked in the bus and we were. When we tried to join back we just kept getting auto kicked at the screen. This happend for some time, we waited and were actually able to connect. When we connected, we got kicked again. Call us stupid for connecting and getting kicked, but we found a fucking bus. So, if you could please do something about this, that would be great. I do not want other players suffering the same fate as us. Detailed information: Players: 2/40 Time: 7/22/2012 at 8:34 PM centrel time In the United States.
  13. Basshead

    US 945 admin abuse

    I had the get the image from a friend who had it saved as he has the Steam Overly and I don't. (I bought the game retail long long ago.)
  14. Basshead

    US 945 admin abuse

    I have a image, I just don't have video.
  15. Basshead

    Why Ban Me

    I higly doubt this, admins usually play all the time and have the best loot on the server. I am guessing you were angry and banned them.
  16. Basshead

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Okay, too many numbers and this is DayZ not World of Warcraft.
  17. Basshead

    Generators - Allow us to power Chernarus!

    Maybe multiple generators, hospitals are required to have a back up generator.
  18. Basshead

    Player killing in Stary (video)

    True, I just like to make sure I will hit that shot.
  19. Basshead

    Too many of the same zombies

    Do you NOT understand the work it would take to do that? Modeling is not an easy task as you have to rig the models, animate them, attach the code so they don't walk like humans and make a whole lot of changes. I just don't see it happening.
  20. Basshead

    Cloth/Armor Slots and More Choices

    I would like it as it would add diversity to the game.
  21. As a developer myself (not big time, but I can do some shit with code) I would love to see a live stream.
  22. Basshead

    Immersive Roleplay

    If I want to go and combine weapons and shit, I would just go play Dead Rising.
  23. Basshead

    Generators - Allow us to power Chernarus!

    I like it, as I would love to light up Elecktro and watch people fall in to a death trap.
  24. Basshead

    Player killing in Stary (video)

    Mainly because they turn and somehow insta see me, even when I have a ghillie on.
  25. Basshead

    Why Ban Me

    Contact Battleye.