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Everything posted by mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

  1. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    Chernarus needs a theatre building + other building ideas.

    These sound good These are actually both already in game. Theres a Lumber mill right in Berezino and I think there's still one up northwest somewhere. Post offices are actually in almost every town, they're not the same building though. They're residences of local postmasters, they're marked with a red sign that says "ПОЧТА" in yellow text. ПОЧТА (pochta) means mail or more directly, post.
  2. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    How Long Should a Day Last? (Hardcore)

    My personal favorite. I don't want to be able to clock the sun with a radar gun.
  3. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    Yeah, an AKM and a AK-74M. An AKS-74u is a short carbine, but still something that needs to be in game. My bet is on a full sized Uzi. It's been said that the team want to do new weapons that aren't in A2 or A3. That excludes the MP7 and MP5 (not an MP5K though). A Papasha might be possible same with the Skorpion but this would require designing new ammo. The simplist introduction for a new unique weapon would be a full sized Uzi. There is the micro Uzi in A2 but a full sized Uzi I'd consider a different weapon.
  4. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    What Mods do you want in the SA

    Pirates The life of a Chernarussian Farmer Beard Growing simulator Chernarus+ Life Крупная Кража Автомобильный Map Expansion West
  5. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    [Petition] Password or Kick permissions for SA servers !

    You can't ban people.
  6. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    [Petition] Password or Kick permissions for SA servers !

    Renting servers on a public hive is a mess to begin with. I don't know why they thought this was a good idea. Yeah it saves money I suppose but theres tons (possible hundreds) of empty or nearly empty servers. Most of them not privately rented.
  7. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    Remove Coupled Mags?

    Should be removed until proper functionality is introduced.
  8. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    what hardware should i get to have "redering resolution 200%"?

    Tell that to my monitor (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824007161) and Maxell tapes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uv1PxInJnY)
  9. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    Glitch? Hack? Or desync?

    You only knocked him out. It's a bug where a KO'd player might slide along the ground. He came to, fired, then you shot him, lag made this look different. The location must not have saved when he came too and went back to where he was first knocked out. The M4 may have been third party or a friend.
  10. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    *I want dat gun* Community Weapons Poll. (4/5/14 - SMGs poll next)

    True, the Germans did arm themselves with a few hundred thousand, but I wouldn't think a lot of those came east. Although the walls been down for a while it was mostly adopted by the countries who used it before that and was never adopted by the countries east of it. I'm not against it by any means and I'm not arguing that it isn't common just saying there are pistols that are more common relative to it. It costs more than the whole gun to fill the magazine. Cool gun and cool ammo, I've heard the ergonomics are weird though.
  11. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    *I want dat gun* Community Weapons Poll. (4/5/14 - SMGs poll next)

    I can see why. It was widely used everywhere except for east of the Berlin Wall.
  12. mastrplokoon@yahoo.com

    how long does dropped gear stay in place?

    Until server restart.