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About GrandHeron

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. GrandHeron

    colt python vs repeater for cherno killing

    It is reliable. Ammo for it is abundant. It is precise. Rate of fire is a bit weak. I think it is a good mid range weapon. Would let it go for a SKS or a Mosin. But it's all about personnal opinion.
  2. GrandHeron

    2 Qs: Door states random? Item respawn?

    Door state is random although pretty much all doors are open I think. Now, you get suspicious around closed door, even more if it is locked and run away if you hear crazy laughing (caused by a prion found in raw human meat).
  3. GrandHeron

    What now...?

    The fun part is gearing up anyway. Once geared, it is time to gamble it with some adventures!
  4. GrandHeron

    Sad Bambi is sad.

    Some players are nice though. For those who aren't so nice, I have found a way to "intimidate" wich is pretty funny and truly liberate the spirit : You start acting like a crazy mofo, and I mean real crazy. For example: I start running at them with a banana raised or anything inoffensive while growling non-sense (I "sing" metal from time to time) about voices telling me to give them a fresh soul to feast upon. I'd say that it has been pretty efficient so far.
  5. Isn't it the dream of many cloistered teenagers to get their pants ripped off like that?
  6. GrandHeron

    Reason to Walk

    I ain't walking to save dem shoes nor cool maself off, I walk for dat swagger it gives you.
  7. GrandHeron

    My sad story

    Yeah you're right! ... I think. Wasn't he the scientist with a possible cure to all of it?
  8. GrandHeron

    Killing Bandits

    Well I tried a few times approaching people on airfields, doing the "friendly dance" as I was getting closer. Those who didn't start shooting at me the minute they've seen me was only to wait for me to turn my back on them. After that, I just avoided any encounters on said field as I don't like engaging combat first because I rather get away with what I have then risking loosing it. I suppose experiences kinda forge the way each player tend to play.
  9. GrandHeron

    Killing Bandits

    There is no humanity in military bases, it's either looting or getting looted. Every encounter I had in such places ended with the shedding of blood, without me necesseraly initiating the combat.
  10. GrandHeron

    balancing persistence loot

    Nah, everyone loves that large areas got absolutely nothing and few spots got overloads of stuff....It will get fix somehow sometime.
  11. GrandHeron

    need more and better ways to cool off

    I don't mind struggling to stay alive, it's part of what makes DayZ fun, it's just that having to take a dip under the rain naked to cool down might be pushing a little bit far. Should have died of hypothermia doing that xD
  12. GrandHeron

    My sad story

    If a zombie apocalypse would really occur irl, a lot of people would die in such shamefull ways don't you think? If it can cheer you up, last time I died was from running down a hill then slide like those olympic ski jumpers onto glitchy rocks, the reception was my demise.
  13. GrandHeron

    Things you regret doing

    I regret all those times I was fully geared and thought it would be faster to just climb down that ladder on top of a building to finally end up either dead or crippled and doomed to roll my way down the next life...
  14. GrandHeron


    When I first started playing, I used to join deserted servers, just to get used to the controls, practice with melee weapons and guns to understand the mechanics, explore the map to acquire a sense of familiarity all over Chernarus and how to deal with zombies (you can just lure them in a house and close all exit doors) in a way that they become an annoyance more than a threat as other players tend to be the real menace to your survival. Once you feel comfortable enough you can join busier servers and gain experience dealing with other survivors. Worked for me though.
  15. GrandHeron

    How do I not panic/shake when I get in a gunfight?

    A little polishing the manpole before playing surely breaks the tension, if you know what I mean ^^