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Everything posted by BUTLER (DayZ)

  1. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Hacker on SE 47

    Server: SE 47 Time: 04:15 GMT +1 What happened: Me and my friend were running around in the forest directly north of Petrovka, going to check a mark on the map. And I was running in the front when I suddenly died and got thrown 20 meters to the side. My friend didn't die instantly and this is where it gets weird. He told me that there was a giant explosion around me and then a hacker with a stormtrooper helmet and a machine gun emerged from the ground. He then flew over to my buddy and killed him.
  2. BUTLER (DayZ)

    A small amount of tools

    Imagine only being able to carry 3 or 5 tools. It would make surviving on your own alot harder, and it would probably make you think twice about shooting another random player. If you want to fix a car, you'll need the right loadout for that, or if you're going to a specific location you'll need a map and a compass. I think this would heavily encourage teamwork, as you would actually need to rely on other people besides having them bandage you while you're fainted and covering you.
  3. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Skillsets to encourage cooperation

    One thing i've thought of is reducing the amount of tools a player could carry. Or atleast reducing the toolspots. I think this would heavily encourage teamplay as just one player wouldn't be able to do everything. Wanna gut animals, make a fire and cook the meat? Sure, but you need the right tools for that. You're gonna fix a vehicle? Oops, shouldn't have shot that guy earlier.. That toolbox would sure come in handy now, but I don't want to drop my map and compass. You might say that this would hurt lonewolfers too much. Well, surviving on your own is alot harder than being in a group.
  4. BUTLER (DayZ)


    Not sure if your gif says "A douchebag, you are" or "You are a douchebag"
  5. BUTLER (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

    Read this first: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/76173-hacker-on-se-47/ http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qjksh/
  6. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Some ideas i have for reducing Camping bandits

    I support the idea of non-lethal weapons. It would add alot more depth into the game. Perhaps people would even start acting like police, arresting bandits etc. After a knock-out you should be able to remove the targets weapon of course.
  7. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Hostile animals! (Grizzlies)

    Once you learn how to deal with the zombies they're not really a threat at all.
  8. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Multiple Primaries, Map Use, Sniper Tips

    Quick question on the zeroing: Did you mean meters or yards? Or isn't it exact enough to really make a difference?
  9. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Sandbox, Team Based, Empire Building In Standalone

    In WoW they have (or had) something like a base where it was horde vs alliance. Every 48 hours there would be a massive battle over the control of this area. This is the only way I can come up with that would work out. Maybe once a day, once every 48 hours or once every week the base would be open for everyone without a key. It isn't perfect though..
  10. [ "Where you're thinking" ] ---> "Where you should think" People only think about the loot. Killing people for their food, drink or items. What if we got abilites aswell. If you need blood, you need to find a medic or something like that?
  11. BUTLER (DayZ)

    I'd like to see more vehicles added to DayZ

    My take on this is that vehicles should be alot more common. In a zombie apocolypse 99% of all people wouldn't suddenly start crashing their vehicles. To balance things out the ability to drive a vehicle should be way harder to gain. Either by making the toolbox, fuel or car parts very rare. This would prevent hoarding of vehicles as the vehicles itself wouldn't be that rare, but the ability to drive them would. It could even be the ability to fix a car (not everyone knows how do that) that would be bound to the character. So in one move you could do two things: make the game more realistic and fix vehicle hoarding.
  12. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Stand Alone Suggestions!

    Lonewolfing means loot will be harder to get to, but you wont have to share it. In my opinion that is a good reward for lonewolfing.
  13. BUTLER (DayZ)

    stuck in room (pic)

    Just go afk while you're ingame. Eventually you will starve to death.
  14. BUTLER (DayZ)


    My QPAD QH-1339. 500 usd headsets ftw.
  15. One idea I had was that in order to log off you would have to make a "camp" of some sort. Maybe just getting in shelter or making a fire or something. Something easy that anyone could do in 30 seconds. It wouldn't prevent people from logging out, but it would prevent them from pvp logging or logging out to escape zombies.
  16. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Ever got shot a few seconds after logging in?

    I was shot within 20 seconds once in the middle of nowhere next to my camp. Logged in, and started checking my tents and then I got sniped. Almost looked like they were camping the base, just waiting for someone to show up. I've also had someone practically logging in on top of me while I was looting the barracks. I checked the bathroom, turned around and when I turned back around someone was sitting there aiming at me. I killed him instantly in panic.
  17. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Dear Bill Murray of US 1145.

    Oxford Dictionairy: Clip: a metal holder containing cartridges for an automatic firearm he shot twice, but his clip was empty Magazine: a container or detachable receptacle for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun : he took the machine gun and a spare magazine Ok, the text is black.. Just mark it to see it
  18. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Why call this zombie survival?

    In Walking Dead the zombies started moving out from the cities in hordes after a while. Would be cool if they did the same thing here. After an hour with no player present they could leave the city or something? Imagine just wandering around in the woods and then suddenly you meet a horde of 20-30 zombies. Would be pretty cool imo.
  19. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    I've noticed the same problem with my revolver. Now I have to shoot 3-4 shots before I kill the zombie. If I hit the zombie in the head it dies instantly. Are they wearing bulletproof vests or something?
  20. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Your stupidest death

    Ok, so i'm not dead, but earlier today I found two choppers. One had a L85A2 AWS and the other a m107. I picked them both up and started running south towards kamenka where my buddy had just spawned. When I met up with him I gave him the L85 and we started running at the edge of the docks. Suddenly we were both pushed down in the water and all my items were lost. So demoralizing to see everything lying there just a few feet under water but not being able to pick it back up. It was my first m107 ever and I never even got to shoot it. Sometimes I hate this game so much... EDIT: One other stupid death of mine was when I was playing with my brother. We were looting the apartments in berezino and he broke my leg while trying to run past me in the stairs. I had about 2k blood left, and when he was trying to bandage me he misclicked and fired a single makarov shot in my head. I've also had my fair share of dying to doorsteps, stairs, ladders, doors, friends etc.
  21. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Is it just me?

    Yes, I agree. I've been stuck in a circle of death ever since the changes. Call me lazy, but when I die I go to the big cities to find some quick loot and since the zombies got their vision improved and their damage increased I always break a bone and pass out. My last death was from a single zombie that sneaked up on me. I had about 8k blood and he broke my bone at the first hit, which led to me passing out and then bleeding out. I love the fact that the game is getting harder, but imo it is too much RNG involved. Make me die because of a personal mistake instead of a zombie just getting a lucky hit on me.
  22. BUTLER (DayZ)

    Backpack item missing

    Backpack Item Missing. What happened: Logged in to find my DMR that was in my backpack had vanished and found items that I had dropped previously had now been put back into my pack. I still have my ammo for the weapon. Where you were: In Berezino What you were doing: I was going to check the berezino military camp, and when I wanted to pull up my DMR it was gone *Current installed version: Beta Patch 93666 and 1.7.0 Dayz Code. *Server(s) you were on: I logget out of EU32 and in to SE 3 Time: I logget out at around 21:20 GMT and I logged in at about 06:30.