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Everything posted by anothercynicalbrit

  1. anothercynicalbrit

    Pissed at the top of Klen

    Yes, i believe charcoal tabs will take you to the last stage of sickness so although it will still say you are sick as long as you eat and drink enough you should survive. I could be wrong about this though so don't take my word. The only way to cure your drunken singing problem is to give me your location and the server you are on and i shall come and give you the 'cure' if you catch my drift. ;)
  2. anothercynicalbrit

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    It's not impossible, you can get out of any glitch by doing this. Log out of the server you are on, wait for 300 seconds log back onto a server and immediately while the screen still says receiving run forward, this will send you forward and you will ignore any walls that are in front of you. Trust me it always works.
  3. anothercynicalbrit

    Dead body flies?

    Why have you posted it here in the stand alone section. You wont get the response you are looking for here buddy pm a moderator.
  4. anothercynicalbrit

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Sorry about that, i will bite my lip next time as it is a topic that could be debated for years and probably will be, all publicity is good publicity. All the while he will be rolling in cash and laughing at all of us.
  5. anothercynicalbrit

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I have as well dude. Is there anything on the experimental at the moment ???????????????
  6. anothercynicalbrit

    So much unnecessary divisiveness over game modes

    It is not a crutch it is a feature of the game, i think dean would be laughing his head off if he came on here and you told him he was using a crutch to play his own game, what a joke. Also as i have said and you choose to ignore there are thousands of people who play on 3pp who prefer 1pp but can not play it due to the low population of hardcore servers. I bet it must feel so hardcore when there is barely anyone else on the map for you to play with.
  7. anothercynicalbrit

    So much unnecessary divisiveness over game modes

    I would have to agree with you completely but i feel you are doing the exact same as the people you are complaining about with this thread, just ignore the people who pretend they are any better at the game because they are not. As you say all you are doing is the same thing as your opponent, to say that looking over a wall with a game mechanic is cheating is like saying playing a game on easy mode is cheating, clearly it is not otherwise it would not be a part of the game. I do prefer first person but the lack of full servers is what forced me to play on third person, it does not entitle me to a high horse as i know a lot of other people who would play 1pp if there were enough full servers as well He is not cheating, unless dean cheats at his own game. If i recall correctly he plays on 3pp. Guess we can put him in the same category as Frankie. Everyone's a cheat who does not play like you.
  8. anothercynicalbrit

    Spreading disease ?

    I was watching one of deans old stream where he talks about spreading disease from one player to another and it sounded like a really cool idea. But i could not help thinking that would be hard to implement as an environmental feature. So i had the idea that the best and easiest way to spread a disease from one person to another would be that when someone dies they carry the disease on their body so if you or any other player searches that body you have a chance of catching the disease that the dead player had, it would be easy to implement and this would increase the risk even further to being a bandit and although i'm not against KOS i think it would act as another deterrent to killing straight away. Also some really cool situations could arise where by you get a captured prisoner to search all the bodies for you and then drop the stuff so that they get diseased and you or your group can survive disease free. What do you guys think, good idea ?? Any ideas on how you can pass disease from one player to another ??
  9. anothercynicalbrit

    Spreading disease ?

    i don't think so. If you read my OP what i am saying is that it is not a radius thing so i could not pass it to you by running past you, only by making contact with each other, searching people or bandaging soeone, stuff like that. I dont see how that would be a reason to kill on sight, quite the opposite. If however it was a radius thing then yes you are correct, it would be another reason to KOS if that's your thing. But for people like the medics of dayz or players who actually want to interact with other survivors (That's where the fun is) then it would be a constant risk.
  10. anothercynicalbrit

    What is wrong with Dayz?

    Thank you for listing these well known an repeatedly spoken about problems. Luckily you understand the game is in alpha i am 99% sure that all of these problems will be changed as the game progresses from an alpha, that is the stage when you and your friends can come back and start playing. This is not a full game, it is a testing phase. It sounds to me as if you and your friends are not doing any testing and i think that is your main problem. Also i pvp in electro a lot and i have not been sniped in a looong time, there is a lot of buildings you can use to stay in cover, try using them.
  11. anothercynicalbrit

    Spreading disease ?

    Honestly i don't think the zombies will ever be a threat in this game unless they can latch onto you and make you immobile, the reason i say this is because if you think of, for example resident evil. Imagine if the zombies on there could not grab hold of you they would not have been much of a threat and you could run past them. Until zombies can stop you in your tracks you ill always be able to just sail past them without a problem, that's my opinion anyway.
  12. anothercynicalbrit

    Spreading disease ?

    Or a prisoner you have captured.
  13. anothercynicalbrit

    Spreading disease ?

    Oh really, i never played it. so how did that work exactly. Was there a radius or something ? If they can do it in the mod then the could obviously do it in the stand alone, that would obviously be the best way to do it i just thought that might have been hard to do. I guess not. Beanz for you.
  14. anothercynicalbrit

    Spreading disease ?

    Lol pure evil. I was also thinking we could actually make use of those needles by filling them with your blood and equipping them as a melee weapon and if you hit someone one with it they get your disease. :D
  15. anothercynicalbrit

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Also i am not sure if there has been a new battle eye ban wave but i have not bumped into a hacker or heard one for a while so i think we can rest easy for now.
  16. anothercynicalbrit

    Can barely connect to any servers. Vilayer especially.

    right click dayz, go to betas and make sure you are not in experimental, i thin they have the same build at the moment so have been known to be causing some issues.
  17. anothercynicalbrit

    Firehouse Slaughter of a Whole Clan

    Edit the OP and put this in there, it's nice to get that extra angle. Awesome vid btw.
  18. anothercynicalbrit

    Why no killer tag

    I wish it was tied to your steam name, it would make it so much easier to report a hacker on the off chance you catch one red handed. To the OP, i don't think they should have the kill log because as people have said it is not realistic but i do wish there was some way to find out who you have killed, like a check dog tag feature or something like that. edit: spelling
  19. anothercynicalbrit

    EDITED: Are you happy with CURRENT zombie implementation?

    ^^^^^The special people have arrived to ruin the thread.^^^^^
  20. anothercynicalbrit

    What killed me?

    Like had you taken any other blood loss. Where were you because if it was say in between electro and kamenkha there are so many good sniping positions to get you from, were you running through a town, cover or on an open road, that kind of thing just to rule out some of the obvious things. 'I was running down the road to the next town when I noticed a player was following me' Like this is really vague tbh, i am not trying to be a douche just pointing it out. But since you were sitting still and the sound a bullet a makes when it goes near or past you is a high pitched whistling sound i am about 90 percent sure you were sniped. Was the towns you were running between electro and kamenkha by any chance ??
  21. A bit like battlefield 4 new feature except done properly rather then a gimmick to sell more copies. I think it would be awesome but i think this is something that would be done by modding rather then the devs tbh.
  22. anothercynicalbrit

    What killed me?

    Either a hacker who was speed hacking behind you and axing which does happen or most likely a sniper. When they are far away you wont hear the barrel explosion just the beautiful noise of the bullet getting close, the one thing that worried me is that it broke your legs then you should not have gone unconcious for at least a minute and if it was a body shot it would not have broke your legs, unless there were two snipers shooting at the same time or you had some previous blood loss. In fact there is so many variations of things that could have killed you from your vague statement that anyone on here can only speculate as to what actually killed you, more information if you can. ;)
  23. anothercynicalbrit

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Yes they are the same atm, and this also what caused me a ton of problems with lag and desync for all the people above so make sure you are not playing on the experimental branch guys.
  24. anothercynicalbrit

    Dayz Standalone Steam Sale?

    Oh i see, i have never seen one myself hence the assumption so thanks for clearing that up. But yeah.. as others have said i don't think they need to put the game on sale considering how well it is selling, it is pretty cheap so a tiny bit of saving and you could grab it though, better then paying 45 dollars when it is released either way.
  25. anothercynicalbrit

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Vac is already in the game along wth battle eye. Personally i don't feel it is good enough, all we will have is the same cat and mouse we had with arma 2 even though we were promised something different from the standalone but it seems this promise has been broken Edit : for now