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Everything posted by anothercynicalbrit

  1. anothercynicalbrit

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    The question is though, do you think the price should rise ??
  2. anothercynicalbrit

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    Barely, as you ten to find two guns on a new server anyway, plus it is a hell of a lot quicker then going through the gearing up process. Not that i dislike that at all. But you are getting more pvp because when you die you can get straight back into the fight rather then starting the long process of gearing up again.
  3. anothercynicalbrit

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    The picture is clearly to mislead if you are a he. It is just a young girls selfie, fair enough if it was a pin up or something but that looks likes a real persons picture. Do you have permission to use that ??
  4. anothercynicalbrit

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    Wait spartans a he ???? I doubt that, why would he have a picture of a 15 year old.
  5. anothercynicalbrit

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    That's what i was thinking :D
  6. anothercynicalbrit

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    Beanz for keeping count. Not getting killed is probably a good idea but the thing is i hate staying in one place so i am always trying to attract gun fire and get people to give away their positions and then i can hunt them down but obviously this comes with it's own risks attached. Also do you play solo or with a group ??
  7. anothercynicalbrit

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    Don't buy it. It is not a finished game yet. This is exactly what i mean, the game is not worth 40 dollars at the moment right but it will be when it is released so tell them to wait until it is released to get your moneys worth. There are enough people testing the game now that we do not need any more 'testers' so why should your friends buy it unless they have told you that they like testing games. The only people who are going to be deterred by a price rise is people who are hacking and have to re-buy the game.
  8. anothercynicalbrit

    Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

    I would not mind if they put the price up on the game. I can not see who it would affect other then repeat buyers. How many more alpha testers do they want for crying out loud and as someone stated earlier it does deter 'some' people so why not.
  9. anothercynicalbrit

    When can I finally bake my own pizza in an oven? :p

    I hope you have some serious protection if your opening it in electro. Pizza is in short supply in chernarus.
  10. anothercynicalbrit

    Dayz Team speak trolling

  11. anothercynicalbrit

    "My leg hurts... You are dead!"

    Why would you want to ?
  12. Dude you can't encourage people to edit their game files even if it is to help people, It's common sense. You were using for the right reasons but what if 'bob' stumbles across this and thinks i could use this to go through all the buildings i want, it is a well known issue and people exploit it regularly and it does not need anymore publicity. He is not being cruel to you, just moderating. He deleted my comments as well but i am not complaining about how he is silencing me so stop, also kichildron is far from my friend.
  13. anothercynicalbrit

    How to spot a combat logger ?

    Pulled the homophobic card. Bye Bye
  14. anothercynicalbrit

    Bleeding, No bandage or rags at SW Airfield

    run to the town and find a shirt. Unless you dont think you will make it to the town, if so the n use guppy the dayz medics idea, they will fix you up.
  15. anothercynicalbrit

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    No your way works but what it is essentially doing is the same thing but the opposite way. The game stops registering your players position until you have actually logged out but with mine the game does not register your players position until your fully logged in, either way the result is the same and that is that you ignore anything that is in front of you and just keep going forwards.
  16. anothercynicalbrit

    What is going on with Dayz right now?

    It's only because i have already been had today otherwise i may have fooled for it. Dont get upset :)
  17. anothercynicalbrit

    What is going on with Dayz right now?

    Terrible, i knew straight away. A valiant attempt none the less.
  18. It does work 100 percent, i use it all and every time. You have to have no timer but it will work, if it did not work for you then you never done it correctly buddy.
  19. All you need to do is log out next to the wall, log back in and immediately while the screen still says receiving run forwards, this will put you a bit ahead of where you were and you will go through anything in front of you. Much easier.
  20. anothercynicalbrit

    Dayz Team speak trolling

    Cheers dude, it's to highlight the dangers of public teamspeak. Also the fact that at one point they actually shoot each other in confusion is comedy gold.
  21. anothercynicalbrit

    Dayz Team speak trolling

    Cheers dude, such a fail. :P
  22. anothercynicalbrit

    Dayz Team speak trolling

    I cant figure out how to put just the video, care to help ??
  23. anothercynicalbrit

    Here's to stealthy yellow rain jacket guy

    I love anders he is an awesome player man. You should check out bikestman and syndicate project if you think this is funny
  24. anothercynicalbrit

    Dean Hall Septicfalcon interview

    Dean looks stoned in this video. I am almost certain he is stoned.
  25. anothercynicalbrit

    Anyone else experience this, or have I lost my marbles?

    No, my eyes are looking at my monitor mate, i dont think i would be any good at the game if i was looking around my living room while running through electro :D