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Everything posted by anothercynicalbrit

  1. anothercynicalbrit

    Put it back....lootable bodys after ten minutes

    Agreed but at this buggy stage in the game i think the time needs to be increased to 15 minutes. For example last night i was in the second floor of police station above NEAF against a wall and a zombie came up and hit me, this pushed me through the wall as if you are pushed by a zombie you ignore walls, and i fell to my death. I got a berizino spawn and ran straight back there got half my gear but as i left my body to drop my first gun when i went to pick up my second gun i could no longer access the body. It does not bother me but sometimes as we all know your death can be out of your control.
  2. anothercynicalbrit

    My Elektro Pet Peeve

    I prefer to call it electro, i actually think they should have called it electro in the first place. In fact i am now never going to call it elektro again. :lol: :D
  3. anothercynicalbrit


    If you were hacked bro which you may have been there is a thread at the top of this one which has every bit of information you could possibly imagine about hacking and what it is like in this game, you can also get some real answers to your questions. My advise is to think about what you are typing, type a better explanation and then post it in the hacking thread that is pinned above this one, there you will get some like minded people who can help you and will be more inclined to believe you. Also there is not anything they can currently do even if you know the name of the person hacking since it is not linked to your steam name and also there are no private hives where the admins can actively kick hackers when they are reported.
  4. anothercynicalbrit

    Anyway to have two characters?

    No you cant, you could have one on hardcore and one on regular but i think you know that already. I think you will need to wait until private hives come out then you will be able to have several characters.
  5. anothercynicalbrit

    Hello. My name is H@cker! (DayZ-SA video) #Experimental

    That is just terrible lag and desync. OP is clueless :D
  6. anothercynicalbrit

    Banned from SA, Please Help

    Duping is not fair as most people do not exploit the game like that however it is fair game as it is an issue with game and out of your control. op don't cheat and you get banned in the first place, I wish people had tricked you and said there is no way you can play again ever but unfortunately someone has already given you the correct answer. Make a new steam account,re purchase the game.
  7. Can not reply in all honesty, it's as if you want the alpha screamers to take this post to the graveyard
  8. anothercynicalbrit

    Where do I find leather jacket?

    If you mean a riders jacket i thought they only spawned in the train stations at first but lately i have been finding them all over in resedential buildings. Check the three story buildings (all of them ) and also the shop fronts, found one in there before. Good luck hunting it though they are pretty rare.
  9. Maybe, i think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself there though. Lets give the dev team a chance to finish their work yet, they may solve all of those issues themselves. Apart from the extra maps, at least not anytime soon.
  10. anothercynicalbrit

    Should we all start off with a pistol in Dayz Standalone?

    No way man, one of the best things about dayz as a game is that you start with nooothing, zilch, f all. If i spawned with a pistol why would i bother going ten miles north, i would rather take my chances murdering the next bob i see even if i die until i am successful.
  11. anothercynicalbrit

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    Also if you want a war why don't you and your 7 merry men just come on here, post your server and your location and i will bring you a fucking war, leave the medics out of it, in fact they can clean you lot up when i am done with you. :lol:
  12. anothercynicalbrit

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    Trust me your idea is not as good as you think it is, tried it myself. Basically all the medics do is fill up their equipment with useless junk like iv kits, bandages, tablets and other nonsense, they only carry the bare minimum of ammo and normally a shit gun, do you honestly think people never tried this in the mod. So yeah it's a douche bag move imho, you would only be doing it to grief and actually they provide a good service to new players who are trying to get into the game like i was when i first started. I dont think you should be putting them off when you actually wont gain anything from it yourself.
  13. Agreed, i think the difference with this will be that this is the 'standalone' and not a modded military sim, therefore i think it will be a lot more tamer with the excess's on guns and vehicles and stuff. One thing i know is that with this game i would not be straying to any servers that overdid it so i think we should be in safe hands and the modding wont be so overboard.
  14. anothercynicalbrit

    How to get to the signs in cherno ?

    How do i get to the top of the largest building in cherno, the one with the big sign. I have seen people up there but i can't get up there myself. I have tried the ladder on the side but it takes me to a little side platform and i can not go any higher ??
  15. anothercynicalbrit

    How to get to the signs in cherno ?

    LOL, thanks now i am a bit hesitant as to wether to go up there or not :D
  16. anothercynicalbrit

    How to get to the signs in cherno ?

    By golly i think you got it my friend, so i scroll and it will change it from up to down. Thanks so much and to everyone else for all your help
  17. anothercynicalbrit

    How to get to the signs in cherno ?

    Yeah but i try and climb up that ladder and it gets of at a little catwalk about half way down and then i cant go any higher up the ladder, the only option is to go back down.
  18. anothercynicalbrit

    How to get to the signs in cherno ?

    Yes but the highest point where the sing is and you can sit inbetween the letters, ill show you its at 1 minute 50. Up there, any idea ??
  19. anothercynicalbrit

    Last Of The Rangers (some people)

    I would have gone out the same door circled around and tried to axe you in the back. What he did was just suicide.
  20. anothercynicalbrit

    How to get to the signs in cherno ?

    Not the one with the plane crashed into it but the one near the firestation, say your looking out the firestation door, it is a bit to your left.
  21. anothercynicalbrit

    Will We Ever Get To A Point Where... [SERVER RESTART]

    other then time but i think once night time and gamma are sorted people will come to enjoy it, why were they reset in the mod (never played it) ??
  22. anothercynicalbrit

    Will We Ever Get To A Point Where... [SERVER RESTART]

    Yes we will. I think when we get the loot respawning without a server restart, so when one segment of the map is empty it will automatically respawn (Dean said in his last devlog i think) then there is not going to be a need to restart the server
  23. anothercynicalbrit

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    Disclaimer : If you do not like pvp then do not read on, i wish the game was about more then pvp but as it is only alpha there is not much more for me to do at the moment. this thread will not be for you and will only upset you or anger you so do not read it. To anyone who is still here, i have found an awesome trick to keep the ball rolling and allow me to avenge a lot of my deaths. What i basically do is i gear up my character as you normally would, make him healthy etc... But once i have done this i find some extra ammo, one protector case and i carry another gun of my choice with me. I then join a full server which has recently restarted. When i get onto the server i have a secret stash where i will put my protector case (loaded with food and some other stuff) my spare gun and one box of ammo down with it, i wont tell you where my stash is but not once has anyone ran across it. This allows me to basically have two lives on one server and it also allows me to go back to where i died and hopefully get revenge on who ever killed me and if all goes well i can reclaim my original gear back. I am having so much more fun now in electro as it prolongs my pvp fun and most of the time i can go a full server length armed and fighting. There is a danger that the server will reset early so make sure whatever you put down is not too precious, for instance i lost a lrs once and i was not too happy about that but overall it is definitely worth the risk. Good luck out there and i hope this helps you prolong your pvp fun in electro or elsewhere. :D
  24. anothercynicalbrit

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    Not Preparing to die, taking precautions in case you do die. Those are two completely different things. Real soldiers take medkits into battle, not because they are preparing to die but because they might end up getting shot. take away the pvp :D
  25. anothercynicalbrit

    Want to prolong your pvp action

    It depends if anyone fires any shots i suppose, pvp does not mean someone has to die.