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About TheNewWorldLeader

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TheNewWorldLeader

    Stuck in building, how do I get out?

    it's ok guys i got out, then i found someone at the jailhouse and he was friendly, i told him i was friendly too then i took my SKS out and killed him :D
  2. TheNewWorldLeader

    Stuck in building, how do I get out?

    spamming v won't even activate the vault animation and i've been trying.. it just runs me into the wall, not coming out... the only reason im stuck is cause of the rubberband-teleporting bug. i need help.. :(
  3. TheNewWorldLeader


    I had a hell of a good lol, thanks boys.
  4. So, I'm in my clans teamspeak... I over hear them talking about going to Balota.. I just happen to have my character logged out in Balota. So I log in and join their server, they aren't here yet. I go to all the barracks and jails and close every door so it appears that the server is unlooted when they get here. Once I'm done I run back to one of the jailhouses and go upstairs and camp it out. I wait for them to arrive and I hear someone say "I'll go check the barracks" Shortly after he finishes, he comes up to the jail and checks the downstairs only and then leaves. 2 of them regroup back to Balota Town in a red house as they communicate to each other over teamspeak. I run out of the jail and make my way around to their house, ones sitting in a room afk, using the bathroom. The other is in the same room but just alt-tabbed. I kill both with my M4 and shoot extra rounds into their gear until it's all ruined. The only other guy who is looting the airfield in teamspeak starts freaking out asking whos shooting!? So I run out of the house and hide and log out. They keep asking who killed them in a server where there were 5 people max and 4 of them were part of our clan, the last one was me. They're so mad. But me? I aint even mad.