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Everything posted by lancemich

  1. lancemich

    What killed me?

    I was running down the road to the next town when I noticed a player was following me, he looked like he had just spawned because he had no gear. I stopped to shoot a zombie before I bandaged myself and then I heard this weird whistle noise, a whistle is the closest thing I could think that sounded like it, both my legs then broke and I then died. I have no clue what caused this and I was hoping someone could tell me so I could try to prevent it in future.Thanks
  2. I just put around 15 hours into this character, she had some of the best gear and it was the furthest I ever got but (I cant remember why it happened) my screen went grey(This might be a cause for the problem) I thought I may have been losing blood but I was fully bandaged and nothing was wrong, I played for a few more hours not bothering about the grey screen because its happened to me before and it was a glitch but this one stayed even after I logged off. I decided it might be serious so I cleaned my wounds, ate until I was full, drunk until I was full, consumed anti biotics,charcoal tablets & vitamins. I done everything I could have done if there was a problem. No messages of any worry were appearing on my screen so I knew I hadn't hurt my leg or anything. Anyway, I was looting the NW airfield when a zombie came running towards me, I pulled out my fireaxe and was ready to strike but before I swinged the axe the zombie hit me and then I was dead. Just one hit. I couldn't believe it, I just stared at the screen for five minutes trying to figure out what happened. So my question is, is this a bug that caused me to be killed in one hit? or was it my fault with the grey screen. Thanks for any replies.
  3. lancemich

    Update frequency

    I've only been playing Day z for about a week now but I was wondering if it does get updated frequently and what peoples opinions are? (E.g if you feel its not frequent enough or if it is) I think it seems a bit odd that the game has been pre alpha for 18 months. That makes me think it doesn't get updated frequently enough. I just wanted to know some other views on the subject.
  4. lancemich

    What killed me?

    What other information do you want to know about it? Because I thought all the information I gave was sufficient
  5. lancemich

    Update frequency

    Sorry, Don't know why I thought it was pre alpha. What are the issues?
  6. lancemich

    Update frequency

    I just thought it wasn't normal for games to be in alpha for so long, its just because Ive played games which were in alpha for much shorter. I have no problem with playing through development, I understand what it means so I dont expect a finished product. I was merely just wanting to know if progress is quick or slow kind of. I havent played Day Z for long enough to experience these updates but im sure I will experience them.
  7. lancemich

    Update frequency

    I just thought it was odd because all the games Ive played which had a alpha stage never took that long, never knew it was normal.
  8. Hmm it may have been that then. Yeah, theres some weird deaths in Day Z. I was in a fire station and decided to bandage my wounds while I was half way up a staircase, I then slide down to the bottom of the stairs, broke my legs,went unconscious and died.
  9. I was inside a closed hanger, unless he glitched and managed to shoot through the metal wall, I dont think it was a sniper
  10. I had the grey screen for around 5 hours and I had only bled about 4 times during that and straight away I bandaged up so I would have thought my blood would have regenerated enough by then. Hmm yeah it could have been that. Haha so many bugs, cant tell what one it could be.