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About deaded38

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    Fuck bitches, get money.
  1. deaded38

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    Yes, I'm so arrogant for believing you wouldn't abort from a server if you thought someone was hacking.
  2. deaded38

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    Of course you won't. You need to keep reminding yourself that you're just that fucking hardcore at a video game.
  3. deaded38

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    It's true. You're all that way. I'm that way. Difference is, I don't go on forums and try to make myself look like a "MLG H4RDC0R3 DAYZ P14Y3R" by saying I've never aborted in a tough situation. At least admit you do it. If not, I guess you can continue to attempt to make yourself look cool.
  4. deaded38

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    It's funny because EVERYBODY aborts when they're getting shot at. Yet, they get pissed at someone else when they do it. You guys are fucking hypocrites.
  5. deaded38

    A better alternative to respawning

    Meh. I'm not really ragequitting. Just taking a break until things become more convenient. I expect these kind of things to happen, but I most certainly don't want this to be permanent. Which, according to some of you, it won't be.
  6. deaded38

    A better alternative to respawning

    True, but I'd hope that people would spawn in different locations and not just Cherno and Elektro.
  7. deaded38

    A better alternative to respawning

    Didn't see that. Well, I hope he adds it soon. I'm just not going to play until that update comes out.
  8. deaded38

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Just in case anyone is interested in realizing that there is a much more efficent way of respawning, I made a thread in the suggestions section. Read it before you start getting all bitchy. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48738-a-better-alternative-to-respawning/
  9. This is a much better alternative to respawning. Let me explain... The player gets to pick a general area on where they want to spawn, such as Cherno or Elektro. In these general areas, there would be 10 (there can be more or less) spawns spaced out in different areas along the coast of the general area to prevent people spawning in the same location. The specific spawn would be random. For example, I would pick Cherno as my general location, but I could spawn at Cherno spawn #1, #2, #3 and so on. This would eliminate the need for the respawn button so players can meet up with their friends with a minimum hassle. This would also raise the performance of the databases even more than before since players won't generally run into zombies to respawn because they can't meet up with their friends. I believe this would also bring a good chunk of the players back to DayZ. I, for one, have friends who used to play DayZ but will not play if this problem isn't resolved (me included). A lot of people quit DayZ since it was a major pain in the ass to get to their friends. I would like to think everyone would be happier if the respawning was more like this.
  10. deaded38

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Couldn't agree more. I'd rather have a laggy game than an inconvenient game.
  11. deaded38

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    No, Rocket has been fucking up DayZ by buffing the zombies, taking away your starting weapon (slightly understandable), and now this. Who knows what's going to happen next? The thing with the respawn button is that it at least provided someway to reach your friends without having to take half an hour to reach them. Honestly, there's a simple fix to this... Just make it so you get to choose a general location for where you want to spawn. For example, if I wanted to spawn around Cherno, I could spawn at Cherno spawn #7 or something like that. It's still a random spawn. I could very well get Cherno spawn #3. Pretty much, just a random spawn around an area of your choice. That way, all parties are happy. Performance issues are solved and everyone gets to meet up with their friends. It's not cheap by any means. A person still might have to walk a little while to reach their destination. It just wouldn't take forever to reach them. That's why a lot of my friends quit. Doing what I mentioned would be a much better system.
  12. deaded38

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Because this mod is becoming an overly-realistic piece of shit. There's a fine line between realism and having a good time.
  13. deaded38

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Well, time for me to quit playing DayZ... along with the rest of my friends.
  14. deaded38

    Pending Update: Build

    So where are we supposed to discuss updates that are going to make a lot of people pissed off in an attempt to remove the bad feature in that update before the update starts rolling out?
  15. deaded38

    Pending Update: Build

    Realism is great, but only in moderation.