If I'm to be perfectly honest, this server does have some admin issues tied up in it. There is one group who seems to get constant VIP treatment (spawned things by admins) and they try to reign over other players. It's a group of about 5 people who are forgiven of anything they do (glitching, etc) and have an admin spawned base. I'm not sure about the legitimacy of their items, but their base is definitely admin spawned. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJkkMDdLGv8) <-- This is the base that was spawned. It appeared suddenly in Cherno today, following a successful raid of the groups past base. This is all while the server's population is slowly thinning out, likely due to this group. Seeing a new player even attempt to build a new base is rare, as they are constantly hunted by this group and their thermal vision vehicles. As far as admin treatment goes, they are very ignorant to their players. This is another reason the population appears to be dying. Anyone who is not a part of this group is usually considered not important, and therefore ignored 95% of the time. After about 3 months of playing on the server, I am at my end for tolerating the admins and this holier than thou group. The spawning of this base, after watching countless groups work hard to build their bases, is just too unfair to be tolerated. If you are considering playing on this server... don't. -Duane. Master of the Duane Jump. Wrecker of homes.