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Posts posted by smorisson28

  1. That picture is taken in front of the church of Svetlojarsk, you are on the extreme east of the map. Behind you, there is a police station. Right you can find a clinic, pretty hidden. It's a nice city, built on the Guba bay.

    North west you can find a road to Olsha, and following that you can get to the NE airfield and thus Kranostav.

    Going north you'll find the new town, but be careful: it's easy to get lost in that part of the map if you don't know it.

    Going west on the coast you'll find Rify bay(and the ship) and near Berezino.

    Hope this helps :)


    Wow, yeah, that was really helpful. I like you. Can we be buddies?

  2. Howdy, y'all


         I spawned in an area to which I have never been. Here's a picture of a big landmark of the area.




    I was on a low-pop server looking for loot in Elektro when someone started using racial slurs and killed me on sight. I hate that kind of player. He got lucky. I had my M4 pointed at him, telling him to put his pistol down so that I could give him some stuff as a peace offering, and he got me with one shot to the head. Frustrating as hell. Anyway, now I'm lost, so some help would be appreciated.


    Smorisson28 (or, RustyPancake)

  3. Howdy, y'all,


         Question: Why is it what when I'm in first person with a gun raised and I hold down the right mouse button, I'm not seeing through the sights? Is there a separate button for aiming? Thank you!


    Smorisson28 (or, RustyPancake)

  4. Quite ingenius actually.  Your body maybe in a glitched area try going first person and crawling up to the carcass.


    I would, but it's a little late, I think. There was a zombie chasing me around and I couldn't find a weapon, so that's that, I guess. I'm not too upset, though. That's what this game's about, right? Getting back up and going again.

    • Like 1

  5. Yes everybody mainly spawns on the cost, think once i have spawned near a town buddy. there sint anyway you can change it as its basically random


    Hey, thanks. Yeah, that's pretty much what I expected to hear. I like your signature, there. I appreciate your "friendly" status. Bandits are the worst. I swear, if I ever get good at this game, I'm taking them out whenever I see them.

    • Like 1

  6. I think the mental image of that will haunt me for a long time.  I meant more like heavy footsteps, crunching underbrush, shuffling, etc.  I don't mind their enhanced speed or damage, I can deal with that.  Sitting well hidden, still, and quiet, then having a zombie just clobber me from behind after running 300 meters as quiet as a ninja with felted shoes is a little annoying.


    Yeah, that's a really good point. I've been sitting in bushes outside of cities trying to see if it's safe to go in (like, any heavily armed players running around, any gun shots, whatever) and out of nowhere I mean there's a zombie screaming from behind me. I'm a new player, so I haven't had many runs with lots of weapons or anything, so having to try to escape from zombies is really tiresome. They seem to eventually give up if you run far enough away, though, which is nice.

  7. Id suggest making it a practice of not getting wet just so your already prepped for the transition in build updates.


    But if its the choice of running in rain/ sitting in a building for hours. Just do the run part.


    Avoid puddles just as practice because I think Footwear deteriorates easier if wet. <-- Not sure on that one.


         Do you know by any chance if rain coats actually protect you from the rain? Because if not, those orange rain coats are good for nothing except making you easy to spot.

  8. Howdy, y'all.


         I've logged about 22 hours so far, and in that time I've spawned six or seven times. I've always spawned by the coast. I like to make my way inland (hit the police stations in Msta and Vybor, hospitals, those things) and make my way further inland, away from the bulk of the other players. Why is it that I always spawn on the coast? Does everyone spawn on the coast? It makes sense in terms of getting your bearings very quickly, but players who like to stay out of the area between Berenzino and Elektro have a lot of trouble getting away without running into anybody. Is there anybody who doesn't spawn on the coast? Is there any way to change that? I don't really have specific questions, just looking for someone to tell me more about spawning.


    Smorisson28 (or, RustyPancake)

  9. The zombies are a little broken at the moment.  I've taken a dozen hits from zombies since the patch and have only had my pants become 'damaged'.  Other people (decked out in protective clothing) get killed in one hit.  The spawning mechanism needs an overhaul, too.  Safest thing to do at the moment is find a building with a second floor to bind your wounds and feed yourself.  I personally hate how quiet the zombies are.  You'd think with a decaying body they'd make a little more noise when they run.


    Yeah, like they'd slosh around or something. Ew.

  10. Who said I thought the player was hostile? If I did I would have shot him immediately, not risked getting close to him. Giving someone a "gift" and then hacking them apart is for fun not self-defense, as well as to take their gear. It has nothing to do with being intimated by someone.


    "Giving someone a "gift" and then hacking them apart is for fun not self-defense, as well as to take their gear." I think you're playing the game wrong. If killing other players who are looking to have fun and help give feedback to the developers to make this game better for everyone who experiences it is enjoyable to you, then you're not helping anybody.

  11. Are you saying KoS is better? Because that's what you're suggesting. How isn't it realistic? If someone had a gun and I had a knife, I'd sure as hell try to trick them to get close and go for the neck.


    Well, no, that's actually the opposite of what I'm suggesting. What I'm suggesting is that you try to help a player out before you assume he's hostile and handcuff him and force him to drink disinfectant spray for whatever your reason is. And from what I've seen, a lot of the time, the players who torture other players are doing it because funny, not because that player is a legitimate threat. There's no reason to bully anybody. There's strength in numbers, so why don't you team up?

  12. Or I can act friendly, lure them in, and bam! Their legs are broken, they're handcuffed, and I have all their stuff. What am I losing? I've made plenty of friends that way.


    I'm not sure if I like your kind of player. Seems a bit aggressive. If we're supposed to try to make this game realistic, how willing would you really be to be that gruesome to another player. You're both in the same boat. And after all, you've all got a common enemy. What are you really losing if you give away a can opener and some beans and a spare melee weapon?

  13. It's obvious we're going to get a more in-depth crafting recipes and such as the game is fleshed out, I wanted to put my two beans in on what I want in and I want to hear what y'all want/don't want too.


    For starters, I'd like to see tools take use in crafting. I want those rusty pliers I've been toting around to be useful dammit! Also! Pocket knives of varying types and quality. Personally, I'd think it would be ideal for fresh spawns to start with a very basic one that has it's uses limited to 1. terrible weapon that breaks easily 2. can opener that breaks easily 3. simple wood gathering tool used to gather fire wood and wooden sticks from trees, perhaps even foliage as well so you could craft your own (obviously homemade) ghillie suit if you were so inclined. Different knives could have say, a built in can opener along with those uses, or screw drivers you could use to attach a scope to a gun.


    Sounds simple right? It would be the bedrock of crafting if they added them. Carve wooden sticks into spears, have particular trees drop bigger branches that could be carved into clubs, which could then be studded with nails if you have them (and a hammer) etc. Of course, don't make weapons you can craft as good as axe-tier stuff though.


    Any thoughts?


    Yeah, that'd be really cool. I like the spear idea. Maybe it snaps in half after a few hits and you're left with two wooden sticks, you know? I like the pocket knife idea, too. I like the idea of using your crappy knife as a can opener. Definitely would give people a better chance of being able to eat if they get off the coast right away. And you should *definitely* be able to get wooden sticks by cutting branches off of trees with those knives, too. Better chance of making a splint, and better than crawling to the nearest town and looking around for morphine for hours and hours.

  14. "Ruined" clothes means that if the armor provides any kind of armor (a bullet proof or stab-proof vest, ballistic helmet, et cetera), it no longer does-but you can still look cool and use all the pockets.

    Protip: Find a survivor with a lower-tier item, tell him "Hey I'll trade this for your jacket" (or something) and make the swap. You've got a functional jacket, he's got a ruined vest, and now you can stab-away for the rest of his gear.


    But that's mean!

    • Like 1

  15.      I guarantee, this is a stupid question, but I'm still new, so bare with me. Anyway, I had an anti-stab vest, and I checked at one point through my inventory to see if everything was okay after an attack from a zed. I get that the zombie itself could have ruined it, but I'm still able to wear it. So my question is this: Does the "ruined" status mean anything regarding clothing items? You're still able to keep it on your body, so does it still have any effect?


    Smorisson28 (or, RustyPancake)

  16. Grinding is a term used in video gaming to describe the process of engaging in repetitive tasks during video games.  The most common usage is in the context of MMORPGs in which it is often necessary for a character to repeatedly kill AI-controlled monsters, using basically the same strategy over and over again to advance their character level to be able to access newer content.


    The OP is using the term very wrong which has been pointed out to him numerous times.


    Alright, hey, thanks! Alright, so now I can vote properly. I think it's not a big deal. The repetitiveness does get old, but there are always struggles, right? So it's different every time.

  17. I think before some sort of super-intense blackness is implemented in the game, the flashlights-shining-directly-through-walls problem (which I haven't actually experienced, but have heard about) should be fixed. Unless it has. (new player, here, not super familliar with night-time play.)
