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Everything posted by smorisson28

  1. smorisson28


    I think that's really because when you've got a gun, and you find a better one, you have to drop your old one, right? So in a lot of the places where you find guns, it's worth looking through, even if all the doors are open. Somebody might have found a Mosin and dropped his SKS.
  2. smorisson28


    Is there any way to minimize the game and keep sound playing in your headphones from the game? I got completely geared (M4A1, Firefighter's Axe, Mountain backpack filled with cans and a canteen.) I'm a fairly new player, and this was my best run yet, so I took a screenshot and Alt+Tab-ed the game to send the picture to some buddies, and when I came back, the "You Are Dead" screen was up. If anybody knows anything about this, thanks! Smorisson28 (or, RustyPancake)
  3. smorisson28


    Yes, you're right, but that's just bad luck, right? It'd help, even if just a little. If you're far enough inland, though, you're not really gonna run into to many players, so your main threat is either hunger or zombies, depending on how fresh you are. If you're geared, and your main threat is zombies, you don't wanna open up the game to find yourself dead and hearing the soft footsteps of a Zed. I'm not saying it'd significantly improve the quality of the game, but it wouldn't hurt, either.
  4. smorisson28


    What I always do is find a road leading inland and follow it until I find towns and such, following road signs to MCTA, usually, because that's where I typically spawn. I usually then take a couple of hours following to roads to the North West airstrip. There's a fireaxe there, and usually some really good guns. There are other millitary bases surrounding it, too. That's where I go to get geared up.
  5. smorisson28


    Yeah, you're right. But better I learn the lesson than not, right? But I think it would help, because you usually hear a Zed maybe a second or two before it actually hits you, so if you can open the game up and start sprinting, you'd be able to get out a weapon before it got to you, you know?
  6. Howdy, y'all! So, here's my problem: I made a rookie mistake and fell off some stairs inside a barn. I broke my leg, but I didn't start bleeding. I've been crawling around hor an hour, trying to find a way to kill myself, but I'm in the middle of nowhere (somewhere outside of Tulga), and I was looking for zombies, so they'd attack me, and eventually I'd die. I found a zombie, but it doesn't notice me. I guess it's because I'm prone. Is there any way to get a zombie's attention if you're leg is broken? Thanks a ton! Smorisson28 (or, RustyPancake)
  7. smorisson28

    Can't get a zombie's attention?

    Exactly. I was crawling around it and crawling into it, but it didn't recognize me. Eventually I just started crawling again, and some guy came and asked if I needed any help. I asked him to punch me in the head, and he did, until I went unconcious. So I'm okay, now, just got concerned about that. Is that a glitch, though? Do you think we can just crawl around zombies and not be noticed?