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Everything posted by Arkham

  1. Oooh, i didnt read that part about the ARMA2 beta. Sorry, my bad. Can't help you there then.
  2. Purpose of this thread is to give an utter noobs view on the game, both in game and learning gameplay. Hopefully others can read this and learn from my experiences. I spawn in, on the shore of some land. I have NO idea where I am or what I am doing, or even what I am supposed to do. I see a figure walking towards me, so thinking he's another player i run over to say hi. Oops. Hey, why is he eating my face? I manage to pull out my gun and shoot him five times in the stomach. He goes down after the third shot, but since i've pulled the trigger so fast i end up wasting bullets. But now the blood icon is red and flashing, and the screen is shaking. What the heck do I do? I open up the keybindings screen and start looking around. While I'm doing this, about 50 of my closest friends show up and chow down. Dead. *sigh* ok, how do i respawn? It takes me a while, but i figure out that i have to abort, disconnect then rejoin. I've spawned in at another area. Still on the shore, but i see some buildings near by. I run towards them thinking i can get some phat lootz. However, it seems that running in town is bad. I've managed to alert about 20 of my closest friends, who want to have a party by eating my face. I turn to run from them, and head towards the closest building I see. Yay! A door, I can hide in here....er...the door isnt opening! Its nailed shut! Let me in!!! I run some more, trying to find a building i can get into. At this point there is a small cluster around me, so i go through about 3 clips taking down four friends. But they've been bashing me and the screen turns funny colors and my hand is shaking. *munch munch munch* Respawn again. I notice now that there are an eye and an ear icon on the right side of the screen that have bars that appear when i move quickly. Perhaps not moving quickly is a good idea? So i start WALKING towards a town that i see. Some of my friends are wandering around in the distance, but I dont want to party with them, so i drop the ground in the middle of a field and watch them shuffle around. Waiting...waiting..please go away... *BLAM BLAM BLAM* *dead* Respawn again. GRRRR. I'm nowhere near a town, but i see a railroad track and a road. I follow down the road (but not ON it) and see a town. This time I crawl the last 100 meters on my belly, and make my way into a two room house. I close the door behind me and see...beans! I pick them up and eventually figure out that I need to hit G to view my gear, then right click to eat them. Didnt seem to do much, but then i realized that my hunger meter is fully green. I probably wasnt that hungry. Oh well. I leave the building and sneak my way across the road towards another house. As i'm sneaking along, I see another guy RUNNING down the road, with about 50 of his friends right behind him. Ut oh. His friends suddenly see me and become MY friends. He gets away, i get my face eaten off. Dammit. Respawn YET AGAIN, and manage to make it into a town slowly. Pick through a few houses on the outskirts, but accidentally alert a friend that I'm here. This time i turn and BOLT for the nearby woods, and three friends follow me. Once i'm deeply in the woods I turn and head shot them. TAKE THAT BITCHES! Back into town, I hide myself in a house, pick it clean of beans and coke, lie down and log for the night. Damn, what a fun game! Great job guys.
  3. When moving, have one person stay crouched and covering while the other person goes to the agreed upon spot. Once there, the second person crouches and covers the first who moves past to the next spot. Keep leapfrogging. Call your targets too, don't both shoot the same target as its a waste of ammo.
  4. I would do the following: 1: back up your saved games, i think they are found in "my documents" 2: Delete all local files of OA via steam. 3: Uninstall Arma2 4: Check your program files to make sure the Arma2 directories are removed. If not, delete them 5: Reinstall Arma2 6: Reinstall OA via steam. 7: Download and install the six updater suite. 8: Run the six launcher 9:Click random server to install the mod. 10: Get your face eaten off by 50 of your closest friends.
  5. Anyone seen the problem where you can use teamspeak outside of the game, but when in game it doesnt work? I bound mouse button 4 to PTT.
  6. Problem is my gaming group uses TS :(
  7. Yes If a new player agros a horde they should die. This will teach them NOT to aggro hoards and learn to sneak, peak and hide. More realism too.
  8. I hit , and . to select channels, and all i see are direct, group and vehicle. I dont see a side channel, but other people on the server are chatting away with it. What gives?
  9. Arkham

    Unable to select side channel

    Didnt know i was supposed to. I just have Arma2 and OA, installed via steam. I then installed the game via 6 updater.