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About B00MH34DSPL4T

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Gaming, 3D Modelling, Game Design, Scale Models etc

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  • Bio
    Studied for Games Design BA(Hons), confident 3D Environment & Asset Artist. Gaming, Games and making them are my life.
  1. B00MH34DSPL4T

    Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

    Positioning is key. In this case, when they began to run/zig zag, they were running directly away from me. With my elevated position I had full view of them the entire time. One did take cover... But as I said, on the wrong side of the wall xD
  2. B00MH34DSPL4T

    Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

    Hi there, Just a little question here... I was perched in my usual sniper spot today on a full server, looking out for players in need and bandits to shoot. Soon after I logged in, I watched as two fully geared players were hunting down what looked like a new spawn, pepper potting and taking shots (but luckily missing the poor guy). So I pulled out my trusty rifle, held my breath while aiming down the scope at one of the two villans chest and BOOM! Shot off! However, despite seeing a splatter of blood. Nothing. The bandit kept on running. So, I got him in my sights again and left off another shot. Nothing. I put another 3 rounds in to his chest and finally, he fell to the ground. Thinking perhaps he had some armour on I hadn't yet heard of, I moved on to the next bandit who had now taken cover behind a wall... Unfortunately for him he was on the wrong side of the wall and I soon had him in my sights. I let a shot go, straight in to his head... and to my horror, he was still alive! By this point I took a more methodical approach, shooting both his legs and his arms. Even then he was still alive and began to bandage himself. So I ran from my position, FNX in hand, came within range and showered a full clip in to him. At last, he finally died. My question is, has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed (as it used to be one shot to kill) or did I just encounter some sort of hackers? Cheers, B00M
  3. B00MH34DSPL4T

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    I think a short message saying how you died would be good. A lot of the time I'm just walking around, loving life, and POW! I'm dead. I want to know from what though... Was it a sniper? Did I glitch through the ground and fall to my death? Did I de-sync and was actually being mauled by a zombie? Nothing else though... No killcam etc. That would just ruin the realism of the game and thus destroy the immersion.
  4. B00MH34DSPL4T

    Personal Satchel

    I fully understand what all of you are saying, but that is why the satchel would be very limited. You get given a torch on spawn, so why not a compass and a bandage or two?
  5. B00MH34DSPL4T

    Personal Satchel

    First of all, I just want to say that the DayZ Alpha has by far the most potential I have seen in any Alpha/Betas that I've played. The team has done an incredible job, and if they continue to do so then they will have a monumental hit. Right, so now on to the suggestions. My suggestion is that when players spawn they have something called a Personal Satchel (or maybe another appropriate name such as 'Safe Bag'). The Personal Satchel is a small bag, perhaps like a bum bag (or fanny pack depending where you from) which is comprised of 4 slots. On death, any items placed in the Personal Satchel are kept. Now, I know a lot of players will cry out at this, saying it detracts from the authenticity of the game etc, but just hang in there for a second. With a very limited amount of slots, it prevents players from having a major advantage over new players etc. Firearms etc are de-constructed on death, magazines and attachments are separated from the primary weapon. This means that a player could have a pistol, but they wouldn't have any ammunition or a magazine, neither could the player have an item such as a 5 slot Fire Axe. So, what is the satchel for? Well... Essentially it is for keeping single slot items (and even 2 slot horizontal/vertical items) such as some bandages/rags, a compass, food/drink etc... Essentially small things that an average person would most likely have on their person if the Zombie scenario were real. It does not really tip the tide as a new player vs a veteran player, however it does provide a useful set of tools for those who use it wisely. The Personal Satchel would be an additional item of baggage, it cannot be removed or thrown away, neither does it take the place of your main bag. Thoughts/Ideas?