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About AgentJack

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    On the Coast
  1. Thanks for that, always good to get a better understanding of things!
  2. Is that from dev/programming experience you say that? Not meaning to be snarky but from a layman's perspective as I have it would seem sensible to go at it from the opposite way, get a fully working system (ie. no wall glitching) in place then build up from there. I'd go far as to say in the design it should be impossible for ANYTHING to travel through a wall as its a physical structure. Please understand if there is something fundamentally stupid about thinking that I did say from a layman's view! I just play the things, got no idea about making games but it interest me why it would be done that way?
  3. Pretty much just a reiteration of what many have said but its a feedback thread so... I like the speed and damage they do now, got caught with a couple of hits and ended up withy a broken arm bleeding out. Cool, IMHO they should be a threat that if swarming requires gunshots as you retreat, dancing with the axe is fine if a little risky with 2-3 but they need a level of danger, before now they were a minor irritation now they pose a threat. My main issues are though the clipping and aggro'ing causes, to have beefed up their aggression and damage output before sorting out the clipping issue seems to be, putting it politely, a very strange decision. This is nothing to do with being Alpha, this is to do with not planning and implementing updates in a logical fashion. We all want more zombies and zombies that in varying degree's to personal opinion are more dangerous, the majority I'd say are willing and ready for the back and forth as a sweet spot is found but shouldn't the first aim be to get actual working zombies? How is it a good idea to start artificially increasing numbers and 'hardness' while they are ghosting through structures with x-ray vision and hitting from 15 feet away or with their back turned, surely these are fundamental issues with the basic workings and should be in the highest priority bracket to be looked at? Minor issues are the way they spawn just feels wrong and breaks immersion when its in front of your face. The damage that they do to equipment and to a lesser degree clothing, I can understand clothing getting damaged quickly to an extent although one shot ruined is a bit excessive I think but weapons and tinned food need to be more robust, I'm not about to try but I'd guess punching an M4 wouldn't do too much damage to it. Am also not keen on the varying 'stop running' animation causes when changing weapons, with 3-4 zombies on you that can be pretty disastrous. Finally loading into attacks is also pretty annoying, joining a server and being attacked before you can even move is just bad when you have made the effort to log out somewhere safe, its really poor on the part of the game and should be sorted but that said these are minor issues and the type of problems that should be expected in Alpha and I'm sure it will be sorted.