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4 Neutral

About Foreveronelol

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    The hills, Watching you
  1. Foreveronelol

    What to do with cheaters?

    Seems you can't do anything. I took down my server as I'm not wasting my money until server owners can deal with hackers, cheaters, so on so forth, it's ridiculous. But, hey.. Playing in other peoples servers is just as easy I guess.
  2. Foreveronelol

    Vision/Player Visibility

    After a good concentrated few minutes of staring at the extra pictures. I finally located him. Rofl, he's blending in like a rock, you'd never notice him if you where rushing through the area. +Supported
  3. Foreveronelol

    Vision/Player Visibility

    i'm still having.. a hard time seeing the guy. my god, he's like the rock itself.