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Everything posted by Vex_Vehix

  1. Vex_Vehix

    ~Yippie Kiyay~ DayZ LA | Hardcore | 40 players | Daylight

    Nice server, no admin abuse, at least from my experience. Our clan plays here from time to time. Usually always full. A great 1pp high pop. Cheers!
  2. Vex_Vehix

    Forum names = no kos

    Lol. Yes, if one of us gets killed, the rest kick into "Beast" mode to avenger our fallen brother! :)The other night I entered Elektro alone as a semi-freshie and stumbled across a group of 6, I engaged with the only weapon I had at the time (Axe) but could only murder one before being killed. My boys (about 5 FOGers) where in Cherno. They immediately b-lined to my location and took out their whole crew. It was glorious to say the least. That's how we roll. :) Add some of us on Steam, this way if you are in a server with us, you can send a message letting us know if you want to meet up. It'll minimize the chances of being KoS on both ends. :) FOG!
  3. Vex_Vehix

    Forum names = no kos

    FOG!! Hahahaha..we do have a decent amount of murderers in our crew...and growing. ;) FOG! Lol. Thats awesome, glad we cause some sort sort of anxiety. ;) Be sure to swing by our FOG server, and say hi. We can be civilized when approached correctly. :) Haha, those trivia moments are great! Swing by our server some time. P.S. This is one reason we don't fret with being friendly. http://youtu.be/ZAIplaAaIiM "Kill em all, let God sort the good from the bad" - Punisher [FOG] FOG!!!
  4. Vex_Vehix

    0.49 crashsites (& a few observations)

    M4s are overrated anyhow. Get yourself a nice raincoat. Seems hypothermia is the real killer in .49 ;)
  5. Vex_Vehix

    Love the New Sway

    This. And when you do get in a vehicle, you will be a major target. RUUUUUUN!
  6. Vex_Vehix

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    All the devs are worried about at this point is adding content, which they are at a pretty good pace. The true "testing" comes after in the Beta. Patience is a virtue. Maybe go play the Mod until then?
  7. I have checked our account on Gameservers.com, but do not see the option to enable it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  8. You rock! Thanks a bunch for chiming in.
  9. See, I felt it wasn't ready yet, or BI wold have made it clearer on how to "opt in". I did see a tweet from Brian Hicks, stating that they will be working with server hosts.
  10. Kudos! Our clan KoS and/or take hostages, it is what it is. I used to be friendly, until DayZ changed me. Lol To each their own. FOG!!!
  11. Hmmm, thank you. I will contact the gameserver.Com support team. FOG!
  12. By default? I didn't read that anywhere. I read the server renters need to "opt in"
  13. Vex_Vehix

    New Stuff pictures

    So you make a thread about pictures, but do not attach at least ONE new picture?Very misleading title. Shame on you.
  14. Definitely wasn't one of our FOG members. We've been getting trolled in our server on a dailu basis by hackers, dupers, ghosters and your everyday jerkholes. Sad. I mean, I understand it's still in Alpha, and cheaters will be dealt with in the near future, but holy shit their are a lot of losers pit there looking for every exploit they can find. P.S. Thanks for visiting our server, please don't let morons discourse you from join it. We have multiple admins who can kick abusers, although it can be tough to pinpoint the hackers. At that point, we'll just restart the server until they stop coming back. FOG!
  15. Vex_Vehix

    [FOG] Clan Shenanigans!

    #Bittersweet #Thatswhatshesaid
  16. Vex_Vehix

    [FOG] Clan Shenanigans!

    Lol. Although I lost all of my gear, it was pretty funny.
  17. FOG Shoot first, and ask questions later. Lol
  18. Vex_Vehix

    [FOG] Clan Shenanigans!

    I know, lucky right? :) Hacker or Bug?
  19. Nice, can't wait to see some footage. FOG were held up at Svelt since 5 pm Pacific. Thanks for stopping by our server.
  20. Lol, they are too afraid to move. Let's see how many punk snipers on the cliffs, also too scared to enter town. Haha
  21. Recently. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2f8wwu/when_is_persistent_set_to_hit_stable/ Exactly, the found 9 different duping exploits in Exp.
  22. Yes, but I thought I read they were postponing it until next week?That being said, our server is already almost full! :)