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Everything posted by MephosZERO

  1. This is actually no rant, or just flaming about early access title. I´m just sad. Serious, I have a lot of early access games and since I make games myself I like to support developer. Actually I like the concept of early access. But for DayZ I was VERY disapointed. See.. what I expect from a early access game is: DayZ Early Access is your chance to experience DayZ as it evolves throughout its development process. Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle. So, that´s mainly all. Just the working basics. It´s not like I want fancy features, bug free games. I don´t complain about glitching zombies, how horrible melee fighting is etc. This is what I understand when I play "early access" But for me (and I really have a good PC) even the very basics just don´t work. Like.. "turning your camera" .. I thought a game where you need to look around a lot would do that better but the camera feels like I would be stuck in mud and try to turn around, with a rubber band around my hip. THIS is the very basic for me. THIS is where I get sad when I play the game. The very basics that just don´t work out very well. I compare it to "Rust" which is also early access (don´t compare the content, just controlls). Its fluent, it does what I want, its fun. Its like an extension of my arm and I really like it. So.. I feel scammed. Sorry to say that, but thats how I feel. I feel like they gave me a game where not even the very basics work. For example the settings for mouse accerleration. Turn ON, turn OFF .. no difference. I don´t want to start that the game only has about 20 FPS when I don´t turn down the graphics (with a PC that runs BF4 on ultra settings). But even with 60 FPS (everything turned down) I have the feeling that the world is lagging (different servers, very good ping around 15). When I turn my camera it is slightly stuttering. The movement gets even worse when I move into a house. I have the feeling that when you just tap "W" for a very short time, your character actually moves a whole step forward. I tried to move on a edge of something and very often the character just moves over the edge because of strange movement behaviour. (don´t know if this is only for me, or intended to be realistic). Like I said, I don´t want to rant about the game or just flame. I just want to tell my feelings, because: I decided to write steam support a mail that I would like to have my money back because I don´t want to support this development. YES! I don´t want to support it. Don´t give my money to the developers who have "tricked" me (for me it is a scam not having the bascis and selling a game for 20 bucks) into buying the game by making me beliefe it would work properly (like I said, I only talk about the very bascis, that´s all I wanted). Steam said no. No refund for no game, see our policy. So yeah, here you go. Spend 20$ on a game which has not even the basic functionallity. It´s like buying a car where everytime you turn your steering wheels it don´t moves 1 right, but 2.3. I guess the developer have no support and would not give me my money back? Why would they, they already have from me what they wanted. Wow, that gaming industry.. this is scamming on a very high level in my eyes. Just produce a garbage product, create a hype which you don´t deserve and then sell it on steam. so.. yeah, that´s it for me. thx for listening