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Everything posted by DarkTroller

  1. DarkTroller

    footsteps of doom?

    I don't know if its just me but i get snuck up on and K.O.S'd too frickin much. I have good quality headphones and sys. but unlike other games i get no warning eg.footsteps...... just all of a sudden a dude standing in front of me and bam. Oh yhea thanks for the hello first not. just kill . stupid concept, i was a friendly player now im just going to be an A-hole. I am discussted in human behaviour on this game. lets get some sound warning please!!!!. make it harder for the kos player to sneak up on you. If you want to be my friend in game forget it kos is the way of the game i guess. Bull-S..it. stupid concept. "i'm repeating myself. come up to me saying friendly then hitting with a shovel come on. stupid kids. take my axe to your mellon. it time for a hiatus I think, my last 3 encounters have all ended with my death. from them shooting first. Is no one friendly on this game??? all of you like playing in solitude? learn to socialize with your fellow survivor's instead of just killing us. perhaps you may learn somthing besides oh yhea i killed that non threatining non aggresive dude. woop woop. Stupid Concept......
  2. DarkTroller

    Better Servermanagement

    I for one agree whole heartidly to th OP on this subject. would be nice option to have in game to see what server you are currently playing on. With the option to add to favorites. In the very least the option to see where your playing.
  3. DarkTroller

    footsteps of doom?

    firstly im not some stealthy ninja sniper, im a new player to this game, i do not like Cod. or Battlefield type games persay. I have used the name for well over 15 years, it was a play on trawler, Eg fishing, it was a big part of my life commercially. I have had issues and assumptions before. but not my issue just a name. I currently have not fired on anyone in game first, not my style. like I stated merely asking why i don't seem to hear footsteps, I gather from the forum replies there are some peeps who judge all too quick. As to the OP that said what would you do in a real situation, hmm a zombie apocolypse in real life...... scavaging for food and weapons...... I guess you have a point about shooting first. Ubernaut, seems that you may have seen rage with disgust as my intent. Im not a rager nor a troll "name is eplained above". When i bought the game i liked the 256sq km. map lots of room to wander. not tight non stop cluster fuc... I like the game concept just havent had good luck with the people i have come across yet, I know I'll find a friendly some time, you all can't be a'holes :).
  4. I am all for zombies, and pvp. but the current state of zeds is broken. I may have bought the wrong game litterally seeing the current state the development is leaning towards. I played dayz mod and liked the interactions of the pvp. I thought this was going to be the same. (wrong) my bad. If you guys think that pvp is not the way the game should be why not just implement no friendly fire????. definatley not a game for me. I will steal your shit. if i have to kill you for it to survive so be it. that is a game. Work on the zed's clipping and other issues fix that first then implement the faster more aggresive mechanics.
  5. Only been at this a little while, liked the game before update, Agreed that perhaps they where a tad easy, but seems like it went a complete 180 degrees in the other direction now. I'm currently trying to gear up a new spawn. SIGH. I was just getting to know the ins and outs of the game and now i can't even get a frickin axe. I know look for the firehouse. Kinda hard when i spawn and immediatly get swarmed as i try to run away from a town?????? wtf. Was really starting to have fun with the Alpha. Hope they can balance this out a bit more, Not really enjoying the last 24 hours at all. just my 2 cents.