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About tickinginsanity

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Im a defined hero in DayZ..If i see you hurting my bambis i will shoot you (not kill you) shoot you and tie you up...If you need anything i will give you them then i will take all your ammo (melee weapons) and ill untie you
  1. tickinginsanity

    I love this game..But im scared to play it!

    I kinda understand now...I wanna bie and re-start but i want to happen naturally...idk..Maybe im just lazy and i dont wanna get other stuff again.. But one of my friends made a comment and he said.I like to think each of my characters are different ppl like i one i have now is a cowboy. the next one will be swat
  2. tickinginsanity

    I love this game..But im scared to play it!

    Ok...I might try that..I just need a gineypig
  3. tickinginsanity

    I love this game..But im scared to play it!

    Hm thats a good idea..But..im not a jerk :\
  4. Ok hello im kinda new to dayZ..I bought Arma 2 last year hopefully to play the mod..I only played the mod for like 6 hours and i REALLY liked it..But i didnt like Arma..For some strange reason.Like the gameplay i didnt like.So a couple of DayZ ago (hehehe) it was my bday (march 15) so i got some money and i bought BF4 premium and DayZ.I spent the next couple of nights and days playing DayZ with 2 of my friends and gettings kited out what i have is: Gray Tactical Shirt Black UK vest Black Cargo pants Wolf/Gas mask Brown army boots M4 with RDS sight (damaged) Green body,Green buttstock,Green M4 forgrip,Flash light,like 6 mags,Bunch of ammo m1911 (no ammo CZ75 (like tons of ammo but 1 clip) Like 2 meddy packs Heres a screenshot of my person http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3282302860275612220/E5B58A60BA331D28A94B9B7DEAEB4E1FF0903F5E/ Ok so the point is why am i so scared..I wanna be a hero..and i am i helped out 2 ppl..But i get to scared and dont wanna play the game cause i dont wanna lose my stuf..How do i overcome my fear and so i can have fun in DayZ!!!