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Everything posted by jebotibogmater

  1. jebotibogmater

    Current DayZ

    I can't help but notice DayZ has become far worse of a playing experience for me lately. >Spawn in the far east. >Run to Stary/Novy Sobor looting along the way. (Avoiding east cities due to overpopulation) >Get chased by 50 zombies in every even remotely loot-filled place. (ever since the patch they're just stupidly hazardous) >Find no sharp weapon whatsoever >Bleed on every zombie hit whilst trying to find food and other supplies. >Run out of bandages/rags >Bleed to death if not killed by something else sooner. This has been my story for the last 5 or 6 spawns. I think I'll take a break for some time and hope the devs make the game enjoyable or at least playable.