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zombie1 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by zombie1 (DayZ)

  1. Agree and the triathlon zombies that will chase through 2 or 3 towns....regardless of LoS. Hope the LoS thing is fixed before beta, might be better now...have had chance to play in about 3 weeks.
  2. Pretty sure police, military, survivalist, etc....would not be exclusively on military bases, police stations or thier bunkers. You could find gear anyway.., including laying around in the woods. The best bet would be those peace time areas, but in these times that chance could be anywhere. Police and military would have engaged zeds, at least in the beginning...lol.
  3. zombie1 (DayZ)

    What to do with cheaters?

    Problem with private servers is they can be reset over and over to gear up and/or hackers and cheaters get their own and gear up...then go to public servers. Pandora's Box is what that becomes, unless you can not go to public servers with a toon geared on a private one.
  4. zombie1 (DayZ)


    found disinfectant once...same amount of times I could find sticks (even in the woods..lol).
  5. think you forget this is alpha forum and feedback good, bad, ugly is needed and expected. Rather you or me agree or not with it.
  6. I have had one spwan on me (after killing one) so far...no biggie. Just because it has not happened to you (yet) does not mean it is not happening to others, that should always be kept in mind. Other, than them going coming thgrough walls, the only thing that irks me is....the superman sight and chasing (no matter what you do) forever. And yes, I have broken line of sight (as far as it seems to be) and they still show up seconds later in hot pursuit. That maybe a pathfinding thing and hopefully will be adjusted. The other players (and damn easily broken legs) are the most dangerous game...have not come across any player who has not taken a shot at me or pitched forked me to death (my fault for trying to look at a map on another monitor, while logged in). that is the danger that i like, trying to figure out what other people will do in the zombie Apocalypse...lol
  7. zombie1 (DayZ)

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    When I first start the game...I go high ping, low pop. I stay til I have to leave or get the "Recieveing no message". The little yellow/red icon in the lower right corner comes up. Then I will either choose to leave (because usually I get disconnected from sever) or just flat out get disconnected. Not sure why, it happens, but it happens more than I would think it should. Don't really see why there should be a penalty for that. Since, it is Alpha...why should anyone really care about server hopping, at this point? When it goes live, low pop servers become high pop as people funnel into them, anyway. Seems to me, there is more of a problem with server admins abusing the servers than the players anyway.... No matter what you do, people always find away around it. Like not being able to respawn on your own (crawled for 4 hours due to this awesome idea, trying to find something/anything to kill me, all thanks to a glitched barn, up north). Read the reason was...so players can't keep spawning to get better spawn points....hate to be the bearer of bad news...but when you spawn on the coast, it is not hard to find something to kill you, anyway...same result...little extra time. Better option, is an "I am stuck" option on a 30 minute cooldown. Would be less furstrating for players with legit reasons, why they need to do it. Of course, the players still have the option to go hug a ZED today, til they get close to where they want to be.
  8. zombie1 (DayZ)

    Is there any way to die fast?

    Same problem,broke in a barn (due a glitch). No sticks in barn or amazingly...the woods. Crawled for hours now. No way to respawn, kill myself,players or zombies in town, either. An "I am stuck" button (usable once an hour in game time) would be nice. Or maybe make sticks more common.....in the woods. Have an axe, could make sticks from somthing like...trees.
  9. that is not true from what I experienced. Ran across a long field into the woods from a town, killed it and one spawned on top of me right after the kill. Could just be a bug I have experienced, though.
  10. Hello, new player here....and my thoughts on the speed is fine. What I do not like is them respawning on top of you when you kill one (even in the woods with a melee weapon). Also, LoSing is not working with them by my experience (I have even went in the woods, not see them, sit down open my inventory only to have them catch up...then). Seems impossible to LoS them in the city (no matter how many tall walls and buildings you run around). And, they get through walls and closed doors. Also, fenses should be able to stop them, along with walls and doors (unless there are many to break the fense). Other than that, the game is fun.