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About Jo0Lz

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  1. Jo0Lz

    How did you die the first time?

    I died after I got all looted up (or at least I thought so at the time...) I was running up and down the coast, no knowing where what was. Thought that everything had been looted, since the two cities I went through had all doors open and all the scraps were already in my mountain backpack. This guy runs up to me and we have a nice conversation. We run down the tracks when a zombie runs up to us. I get out my axe, and start (trying) to hit it. He takes out his shotgun and fires once, breaking my leg. I hear him say sorry when he fires again. "You are dead". :D
  2. Jo0Lz

    Two story building in severograd...

    What's a lot? It was a 30 person server, I think like 20 in use? The game is great, I love it to death. Dying is part of the game, I have come to accept that, KOS, firefights and losing. But these kinds of deaths (especially when out with friends, and then forced into another solo adventure) really bum me out. Ah well. Geared up already, ready to go again tonight. :)
  3. Jo0Lz

    Two story building in severograd...

    Well, I'm nowhere near there now, but my friend was running around there just fine. Think it's random, like breaking your legs on the first floor of the camo building? 9 out of 10 times you can go there without issues, but sometimes your legs break for no reason. Been in those buildings a hundred times, and have broken my legs on four seperate occasions. Also died once in the same way I did yesterday in that two story building.
  4. So, I was running around in Severograd with my friends, just having fun. I decided to loot around a bit, and near the west side of the town, there is a two story building, I think it's blue. It's the building with the blue doors, two stairs. The top floor has these iron shelves, there was nothing on them. When you go up the stairs, you have two doors, only one opens. The one that opens had sofa and closet in it, this room brings death to your character. It's much like the Camo/prison buildings. You stand somewhere and you break your leg. There was a raincoat there, I looked at it, suddenly "You are dead". All I saw was one message "My leg is painful". I called it out to my mates, they went to my body but couldn't loot it. Nobody around... Sad panda. :(
  5. Jo0Lz

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    Improvised leather backpack all the way! :)
  6. Ugh. Logged in with my geared character yesterday. My friend was coming too. I was there first, appears I logged out in a spot surrounded by trees. I noticed it was night, time of the server was 2.00am, nice, change of the normal daytime servers. I went prone, to wait for my friend, I couldn't make out anything anyway... All of a sudden, without the sound of gunfire, my character squirms and moans, I see "My arm is in pain, my arm is in extreme pain" a few times in the bottom left corner of the screen, and it turns black. "You are dead". I respawn and I try to look where I am. All of a sudden I see a player teleporting and he shoots me in the leg. He then just leaves me there, I can't go anywhere, leg broken... FFS. My friend logs in and I was yelling on TS for him to get out, but he died as well, he actually saw my body, already stripped down to it's undies, and then noticed a player appear in front of him. I can see why cleaning the game and deleting all characters and loot from the game in the upcoming 0.49 patch would be helpful to remove duped and hacked items, but hacks like this, the teleporting and the ability to just see through objects and walls and apparently even seeing in the dark, they need to be addressed with higher priority.
  7. Too bad that most of the time, you only identify a player as a hacker when one or more players from the group have already fallen victim to the hack. :(
  8. Jo0Lz

    Ruined rags from worn shirt?

    This. When you get hit in the legs, your pants go. When it's your chest, vests and shirts etc go. That's the way it would work in real life, so why not in game. Spread out your gear and you 'll be more likely to have stuff after fights.
  9. I've seen people on the roofs in berezino. The ones you're not supposed to be on. Also have seen people teleport around, and seemingly not dying. (I believe this has something to do with carrying a tent, but idk every detail) I really hope lots of these issues will be addressed quickly. Right now, it's even possible to be shot without hearing sound, but it's a legit bug, the other person has to reload in order to hear the shot... I'm just at the point where dying is like, oh well, back to looting... It makes great game moments a bit more sparse though...
  10. Jo0Lz

    what are the chances!

    Specially on the persistent servers, wait until the time is 14:01. If it stays on 14:00 the server is bugged. Other than that, character wipes happen when the server is rebooted outside it's restart cycle. So either there was an event on the server which caused it to go down (character gets wiped when this happens) or it was a manual reset. (In which case your character gets wiped a lot as well) Tough luck dude, :(
  11. Jo0Lz

    PLEASE remove scope smoothing

    I have not experienced this, maybe it's your aiming deadzone setting? I don't know what to say, other than I never have any issues with it. Is there some video explaining what it is?
  12. Jo0Lz

    Best recording software?

    I use dxtory with some legartith something lossless codec. Recorded almost an hour yesterday on 720P, filesize: 92GB. Also drops less frames than fraps does. It's great software, but somewhat a performance hog. Files it generates are HUGE.
  13. Jo0Lz

    Where are the mosins?

    They might be rare, but on non persistent servers they are there after a restart in the usual places. (Under those blue carts, in police stations, piano houses, even barracks now...) Long range scopes are found in garages, buildings with the bar in it, the yellow houses with the storage shelves. Can also spawn in ATC, hangars, pretty much everywhere...
  14. Jo0Lz

    Staircase of DEATH

    Stairs are deathtraps in this game. The ladders on the outside of ATC is also bugged, not to mention the staircase in the camo prison buildings, hell even the place you usually glitched through the wall seems to have a bear trap, just standing there will break your leg. Top of the fire station, barns, and the list goes on. If you stand on a staircase that doesn't have anything on the side, switching weapons might "push" you off. These are all known bugs, most of them are in the tracker, and there are videos about them. I think it's on the developers radar, we just have to wait for a fix :)
  15. Jo0Lz

    I left my whole kit @ EXP NWAF

    There is no loot because of issues with the loot persistence. I've seen the experimental servers "hang" on 14.00 because of the dupe glitches with military spawns. Because of the stacks of loot in several places of the map, no new loot spawns in other places, which makes it hard to come across anything really... I think that leaving your stuff there is a nice idea, maybe people still loot on experimental :D