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Everything posted by Garberro

  1. Garberro

    Revolver - Nagant 18957,62 mm x 38 mm

    Ok, i must not see him. :P Topic to delete.
  2. Garberro

    Black Powder's Hunting Rifles

    Look at this cavlery carbines ;) First is Colt Root. And this is Remington Target Carbine.
  3. Garberro

    Radom-Hunter sniper rifle

    This all know. But i try find some now not seeing before in other games guns (,,ohh now anather game whit this f..").
  4. Garberro

    Radom-Hunter sniper rifle

    Something like that, more precise and better to hunting than stock AKM. Revolver is other topic... i have some idea. Radom-Hunter will be balance and fit between AKM and SVD.
  5. Garberro

    Crafting: Decoy head on a stick

    I will be nice trap, place manekin on firestation tower and wait for shot from somewhere.
  6. Garberro

    A better Cripple system

    In my opinion it's to easy having option in menu ,,sucuide". Player should have option to shot himselves (right click on gun). But only when is sick on zombification, dying form dechydration or hungry... is should work only when player have very bad red status (who want to be zombie after dead;P ), in other ways this option should be hidden.
  7. Garberro

    Black Powder's Hunting Rifles

    UP. New poll added to first post, i want see opinion other players abaut this muzzleloading and crafting system.
  8. Garberro

    Radom-Hunter sniper rifle

    It work's in Kosovo, Serbia, Bośnia (test) :P Cheap ammo easy to find in game. And have one big value... its not a military weapon but civilian, and look very nice (easy to make model, because use the same element like akm). :)
  9. Garberro

    Time spent alive and more stats

    The only statistic that should be the length of survival calculated in DD / MM / YYYY and displayed in the menu tab on the figure.
  10. Henry Martini rifles to this day in use to the hunting on seals, and big targets (easy to clean, precise and strong gun). Ok, i better know guns than english gramaticks. I told abaut balance in game, and much harder o find ,,full" stuff. In now i need 15min/2h to find max setup and full of ammo, just going from Kamenka on north. More variants of weapons, less ammo (if now is 100% to lower to 30%), and more alternatives, like bow, like other type of gun's add some crafting and realism. . If somebody will know ,,i can't go into central of city alone because i die fast i need help" then he not kill you. (If somebody play in DayZ Origins then remeber Sector B, where is a loot of good stuff but AI is to strong for one player)
  11. When zombies wos harder and will more than now. Player's will must cooperate to find more ammo more food. Shoting and stupid pvp on resp will be canceled. Ammo as a money, crafting bows and bullets to black powder guns, searching rare ammo to military weapons etc. This is survival/scavenge not FPS (weapon for hunting and selfdefense of zombies not killing players) :) Ok Bandits will be bt they will harder life and game will better balanced. Now only sense of game is killing others... in future will be a survive, and fighting for food, defense. Weapon's will be less important than now. (or more ;) )
  12. I think more various weapons and ammo will stop jumping (+ 10min time blokade to change server), when to find 5 bullet somebody need 5h jumping :P It means, ,,wow i found weapon! WTF@!!! I fund ammo to this weapon i win milion in lottery ''. To rare military weapons just add NATO base, CFOR or something (and other base to other countries NATO and other staff inside) xd You want have Dubble-Barrel and some chance to find ammo in city or Colt M4 ultra scope, whit 5% spawn 20 bullets on all map i various localization.
  13. Its totaly true, but where is Norinco, where Bajkal, where is Turkish guns :) And Mausers still very popular in europe. Models of guns should be a lot (ok anather M4 team, Mosin sniper squad), but chance to find something (and ammo for this) not. 5% to spawn gun, and next 5% to find ammo, but not 60 rounds but 5/10.
  14. Garberro


    Ammo should be money.
  15. Now it is point of them... why you must kill this player? Why? Better to make deal whit him, play as team. If you not find ammo trow away gun and use bow, crosbow... evrything must be balanced. Now all players go for mosin, jump 3 times and back to coast to kiling eachothers. Years yes... but look at abanoned houses... rusty cars. Its see like apocalipse start years earlier. Edit: Moderator could be cut this tread to other topic :P Its big OT.
  16. No its not because full boxes ewrywhere like now is nonsens. One box on all aircraft, 10 bullets max... you should find more weapons than ammo. Its survival not FPS, here you sholud craft ammo (blackpowder guns, etc, i write abaut in other topic), and think abaut any shot but not like ,,ok i go to police station and find new box whit 20 rounds". Who trow away full mags? If you find only 5 bullets you load 5 bullets... to mag.
  17. Maybe more G36 but full auto? :P Or sport semi-automatic. I know how much ammo is in the world but how many of this is in Chernarus (not in closed bases underground), first end ammo after this, food. In first day apocalipse humans take and lose more ammo and weapons than carry food and medicines. If something still is, it wll be very very rare. Situation when somebody have 3x 60round mags, and full other ammo is ridiculus. 1x half mag, should be happy day.
  18. No its not, in first day/months 4/5 of ammunition will gone... why? Because all f... humans will shot, tons of ammo day by day... and no one will make new, sometimes shoter die before shot's 30 times from his M4 and you will find his gun whit 5 bullets. In WWII Germans lose all ammo when invades Poland and need one year to make new... to invade France. Just use logic.
  19. Hold more than 5 bullet ok, but where you find ammo to magazines after half year, shoting day after day (when nobody make ammo)... (world in dayz look like this time i more than half year) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/182215-black-powders-hunting-rifles/ EOT:
  20. Poland is closer to Russia than Czech, and Polish soliders fight in Kosowo, Bośnia (NATO: IFOR, KFOR). And remember DayZ is future not past, then all modern guns should be abble... but not ammo. max 5 bullets on all weapons, and full magazine should be like mercy. But M107, AS50, G36 and others this type of guns is nonsens. Not real, killing immersion. G36 shold be not able but AK12, AN-94 yes. I want to see guns like Carl Gustaf M63. Kodiak 1886 45-70, Hunting Mauser K98 kal.308 Win, Luger Navy 1906.
  21. No its not :) I promote quit game and search solution :) I buy this game 2 days ago, and i know its is alpha... beter nothing say, sit quiet and waiting for God intervention?
  22. Other similar weapon is Polish carbine. Kbs wz.96 Beryl. 5.57 wz.96 Mini-Beryl 5.57 And new, in army since 2014r full modular combat system: MSBS 5.57 Radon
  23. I have the same problem, teleporting and moving back all time. Sometimes it move me 14times, move after move... finnaly i close game.
  24. Garberro

    Black Powder's Hunting Rifles

    I hope somebody in developers think abaut this, because this is nice sugestion to balance game, and it will increase immersion:) Modern blackpowder hunting weapons:
  25. Garberro

    SV-99 sniper rifle (Russia )

    This ammo is sometimes to weak to do sucuide (a lot of sytuations), but as a toy, why not :) Its sport target carbine, then sholud be looted at schools and houses :) Btw. This ammo can hit target at longer distance, much longer... but it still toy :P