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Everything posted by Peter_98

  1. For me personnaly it is really demotivating to play game until zombies can walk like ghosts through building walls. Today I was at airfield, killed 40 zombies by M4 and when I wanted to loot ground floor of barracks, no sight of zombies for 15 seconds (what a releaf), then in last room i heared zombies, two of them were after me and runnig through walls full speed, I was unable to strafe and they hit me a few times. This respawning system has to change IMHO till pathfinding is solved 100%. There is no point looting because respawned zombies will kill you from nowhere. You cannot make decision on number of zombies you can see ahead, you just know that there will be ten times more of them and you cannot pick place where to attack them, they just respawn near you.