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Everything posted by Xaquin

  1. Xaquin

    Heli crash sites gone?

    Spent 6 hours looking last night with a friend. Not a single one. I did however, find 4 Engraved 1911's, so that was nice!
  2. nope I popped up in a forest apparently next to a zombie .... who killed me before I was fully loaded into the game. woooooo
  3. Xaquin

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    so apparently you didn't read any of my post ....
  4. Xaquin

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    I'm not going to bother saying remove them till they're fixed .... but why not reduce the spawn timer until they're fixed? They've tested the zombies, know they're broken, and still do nothing about it. This above all else makes me worry about this game and it's future. I KNOW I KNOW ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA but much of the Alpha phase is about testing what does and doesn't work. They KNEW that zombies didn't work and still made them insta-spawn and insta-aggro. Does no one else get a red flag seeing that?
  5. Xaquin

    What's your Favorite Weapon right now?

    SKS with a PU Scope fo sho
  6. I get this, but surely there are different teams working on different aspects of the game. THAT SAID! What I don't understand is why they made insta-spawn zombies with ESP when they already knew about the pathing issues. There was no need to 'test' that. They already knew what would happen. So why bother in the first place? That's what confuses me. Someone somewhere said "well, we have this huge pathing issue. Lets go ahead and speed them up, give them ESP, and make them respawn on top of the players and see what happens." hmmmmmmm I wonder?!
  7. Xaquin

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    My opinion is that around 6 months from now no progress will have been made and the game will be abandoned without official release. Hope I'm wrong. I'm aware it's alpha, but SO MUCH is wrong. In addition to the things mentioned already in this thread, there's also the fact that stealth does nothing, running or walking up a slight incline is broken, servers will occasionally die and I'll pop back hungry and magically missing the food I just ate, rubber banding is still around (though not as bad as pre-patch I guess), etc. etc.
  8. sorry duder, I've put in about 5 hours since the patch. I haven't fired a single bullet in that time. Fire axe only (it's black now!). I guess it's cool that you have intimate details of everyones seperate alpha experiences?
  9. Then their 'spawn location' must be wherever they're killed because that's about where they've been popping up. Or just close enough to insta-agro regardless of weapon used to kill. one more thing real quick (not directed at you sniperdoc). I'm reading a lot of comments from people saying things like "You asked for more zombies and now you're complaining?!?!" ok, sure. People asked for more zombies. Not infinite -broken- zombies. and sure, this is alpha, but the devs knew about the pathing problems and STILL programmed the zombies to spawn in 2 seconds with instant agro. What exactly was this intended to be a placeholder for? fun?
  10. False. They still respawn on top of you regardless.
  11. False. I had numerous zombies spawn directly on me as well as agro on me from long distances using only my fire axe. At no point did I have a firearm equipped.
  12. Just figured I'd register and put in my 2 cents. I always run with a couple of friends, so I can't comment much on doing anything singleplayer style. Since the patch has come out, I've put in about 5 hours total. The good changes: I guess tactical bacon is pretty ok and the spraypaint .... The changes that WOULD be good except for they're not: Zombie respawn (see bad changes) Zombie agro (see bad changes) Zombie speed (see bad changes) The bad changes: Zombie respawn. I won't go overboard and lie that I had 200 zombies up my buns every second of the game. What I will mention is that I had zombies respawning within melee range about every 4 or 5 seconds (aka not enough time to bandage). I had zombies agro on me while standing perfectly still (I don't know how far away, but far enough that I needed a scope to see them well). I'm all for more zombies, and I'm all for faster zombies, and I'm all for respawning zombies, BUT, not like this. I feel like if I had just purchased this alpha (and yes, I know this is alpha), then I would chalk it up to a lost $30 and never play it again. My suggestions would be to increase the overall number of zombies, increase their spawn time to a few minutes at least, get rid of the 'spawn on you' mechanic, and call it a day. anyways, just my take on this.