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Everything posted by barnabus

  1. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Yeah, alt-tab isn't working too well for me at all. I have to ctrl-alt-delete to go back to windows. I don't do that much since it seems you can still be moving around while you are out of game. Not good. I used to able to use "P" to see who was on, that isn't working anymore for me either even though according to settings this is what the "p" key is still for.
  2. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Ok we can switch the pistol scope to the crossbow? Alright, that means I am going to have to re-evaluate the crossbow with this bit of news. Hope they get vehicle fixed before going stable, they are more fubar than I thought. What a headache they are ATM, too bad and no wonder I haven't seen being driven around...
  3. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    When did this become a thing? Yeah, a longhorn with a holosight. Now I don't really have an issue with it, a holosight is a holosight after all. First time I've seen this, it was in a Deer Blind And then there's this...
  4. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Pro tip, don't try to engage targets out past 75-100 meters with an SMG, especially an MP5 with a silencer and NO BUTTSTOCK. You'll just use up all your ammo and not hit a damn thing. It does sound pretty intense though to have all those angry bees flying past your head. Some one just tried this on me in Sevrograd. All they did was attract zeds to their hidey hole making it easier to spot them. I threw back 5 rounds of suppressive fire with my AK74, just 5, I still have 24 rounds left in my magazine, 1 in the chamber and no prospect of finding anymore 5.45mm anytime soon. I also have a Glock with two full mags and 20 loose 9mm. I didn't bother trying to hunt the guy down since it could have been a trap and I am an ammo whore. I love this ammo shortage. I mean it I do, I really do. About persistence on Experimental. Yes, I stash stuff, BUT if the there is an update then I know that 9 times out of 10 a persistence wipe was part of it. Meh, it's ok, I only keep the shit I really need on me anyway. The ones I like best are the Character wipes too. This way we are all on an even playing field to start with. As for moving inland, or living off the land or gardening your way to success or eating canned food, hey, whatever, it's YOUR game, YOU purchased it, play it how you want, I could care less, honestly. You can combat log all you want, I don't CARE how you play your game. If you somehow think your play style is superior to mine or you hold me in contempt for playing MY game because I eat canned food and think that finding a can opener should be an introductory quest when the game is finished, then that's your problem not mine. I am not going to be trolled or cajoled into arguing about it and this isn't meant to troll or cajole anyone else into arguing about it either. DayZ is a sandbox where we can do whatever we pretty much want.
  5. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Yes they are all spawning. It's just that the coastal areas are picked clean pretty quick.
  6. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I had an AKM with one full magazine. I ditched it for the Winchester. Solo can still be done around military areas. I have survived several trips to Mishkino tents, Tisy, Vybor and Kamensk Bases. I did the southern half of NWAF, thought I heard someone talking in one of the hangers so I left. I haven't yet been to Pavlovo or Zelengorsk Bases. Pavlovo just doesn't seem worth the risk. Someone did take a pot shot at me at Tisy today, but that was it, one shot, not multiple and they missed. I was done there anyhow so I made a hasty retreat into the wood line. Hope they ruined their boots if they "found" the bear trap I left set up in the entrance of the new barracks up there. Left there with nothing more than a can opener. No ammo at all except some .357 which I should have grabbed and chucked into the wood line.
  7. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Found this video of the real Tisy Antiaircraft Base. Note the V3S truck. Pretty cool. And I can even feel the cold coming up from the concrete in my boots.
  8. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I have an FN/FAL with an empty mag on a 3pp server, while on 1PP I was running with a Winchester that I managed to rustle up 40 round for. Doesn't do me much good. I have been coming across quite a bit of 7.62x39 in hunting stands and feeding stations. Not the piles as before and 5.45 is pretty damn rare atm (found one box at an Mi8 wreck). This makes running into someone with an AK74 not nearly as dangerous as before. And if the dude or dudette adds one of those crappy ass folding stocks and/or silencers on a 74 they may as well be an Imperial Stormtrooper for the good that'll do because that's about how accurate thier fire will be. It may look "cool" but pretty much renders the weapon as useless as tits on a boar hog. Shoots, maybe even worse than the Sporter. Incidentally, every time I come across a rifle in a deer stand or any where else for that matter (except high traffic military/police areas where that'll be the moment I meet a squeaker) I'll pick it up and use the empty command, just in case it has bullets. Usually they don't but you never know. Times like these, improvise, adapt, overcome and remain fluid because flexible is too rigid.
  9. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Well it looks to me like Tisy Base is also a testing area for some type of rocket/s. This may be part of the facility that is off base used for prepping fuels or other materials to be used over on the testing stands. Obviously the building isn't quite ready for prime time yet. Back when the patch came out with the changes making NEAF more civilian the civilian barracks in the woods near there were a lot like this. You could walk through the walls just like you can here.
  10. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Hmm, this building isn't on the map and it acts as if it isn't there. Stairs can't be climbed, you just sort of run through it anywhere you please. It's out west of the small electric plant on the west side of Tisy base, just up off the dirt road. You can sort of tell the building is levitating about a 1/2 meter off the ground.
  11. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Ugly bugs. Cars getting glued to the ground near other cars, had a hunting jacket stuck up the left corner of my screen after it bugged when switching it out in inventory for an M65. Stayed there even after I logged out of the server. Found a UH 1 crash site that had no loot at all. This isn't the first time either. Pretty sure most people leave crappy boots in place at crash sites. There was also an Mi8 crash site over at NWAF, it was loaded with stuff, 2 AK74's 2 AK 74U and 2 CZ sub machine guns, along with boots and ammo and small smersh packs. Double clicking on items may or may not add them to your inventory. Sometimes, you have to place the item in hand then move it to inventory. Happened to me with two boxes of ammunition. At least the rail on the FN/FAL is working..
  12. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    ARGH, death by misadventure. Coming out of the shrine near Tisy Base I didn't take the stairs and went over the cliff. That moment of stop motion then black, you are dead. What's the drop there, 2 meters at the most? Dead from a 2 meter fall. Yeah, ok. Twist an ankle, ruin my shoes, badly damage my pants sure, but a catastrophic fall? That should be rarer than a magazine for a 527. Come on guys.
  13. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Yeah I made it up to NWAF and there were standing bodies all over the freaking the place, not fun. I bailed quick.
  14. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Damn, the vehicle immobility bug is no freaking joke in this build. I came up over a rise and there it was and there I got my 4x glued to the ground. Both of the vehicles are fully operational but neither one can move. This bug is one I hope they get fixed soon.
  15. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I was so pissed I even threw my magnum at the car when I ran out of bullets.
  16. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    So, I am up north on SW US 0-5. I find a 4x4 with three tires. I have a repair kit and a lug wrench, I just put a gas can in the car and I take off all the tires to affect repairs. I get two fixed, have them back on and go back for the third when a bunch of auto fire comes at me. The guy is a piss poor shot but he does ruin my jacket and gets me bleeding. Then I hear someone yell "don't mess with my car bro". I yell back and tell him it isn't his car. Then I bandage in a house. I figure this mook is out of bullets since he isn't coming after me. So I go out and shoot up the car and all the tires on the car to ruined status. I reloaded and fired all 24 rounds I had for my magnum. Meet no resistance. Then I bail. Fucker. Fuck with me will you? Your car is it? Well fuck you and your car and your AK you non shooting turd blossom. Yeah, the bitch was out of ammo, wasted it trying to spray and pray on me.
  17. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    The 4x may be out of gas
  18. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Thank God I am not the only one. Christ the Lada is LOUD LOUD LOUD. I feel like I should have hearing protection when driving it in 3pp.
  19. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    On the topic of persistence. My barrel, that I placed yesterday, was still where I left it yesterday. It still had everything I downloaded to it too. I don't go much for storage on experimental because it seems like every update is, if not a character reset, then it is almost always a persistence reset. This kind of makes storage pretty much a useless headache.
  20. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Did you check the pulse of the person you shot? Always check the pulse. If their buddies were acting all Lord of the Fliesy then you should have just shot them all. You broke the primary rule, you told people "you don't take chances", sorry but that is taking a chance. When it's time to shoot....
  21. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I think we are getting the same weather they are getting in Central Europe.
  22. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Guns don't kill people, people kill people, guns are a tool.
  23. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I have been ill from zed attacks but it didn't kill me and I think that may be out for now, same for drinking bad water, which has killed me. In H1Z1 I was infected with the virus, once you get it, you are doomed. You can keep it a bay for a little while but it'll kill you in the end.
  24. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Speaking of fickle, here's a shot of a tree hovering above the NW portion of the map not far from Tisy Base. Looks to be about 700-1000 feet AGL. Airborne!
  25. barnabus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Mil bases, tent cities, airfields, police stations and fire houses are pretty much places to get KOS no matter what version of DayZ. I have been KoSed elsewhere too but in those places much, much more often and likely. They warrant much caution and a get in/get the fuck out as quickly as possible mindset. Here's a short, nontraditional 17 syllable Haiku just for you. If you linger, you get the finger, the trigger finger of fate.