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Everything posted by osiriszoran

  1. osiriszoran

    DayZero Gear logout

    So whenever i logout of the game and wait the 30 seconds to abort the game when i log back in all my ammo, bandages, and inventory not in my backpack are gone. Is this some kind of bug? Im not Alt F4ing or quitting by any other means other than waiting 30 seconds and then aborting.
  2. osiriszoran

    Kamenka, oh Kamenka.

    Because of this bandits have started camping that Highway heading North out of Kamenkha
  3. osiriszoran

    Bandit Tactics

    how do you even run into people? I seem to only find people around the most frequented cities and loot spots. rarely ever i see anyone off the beaten pathes.
  4. osiriszoran

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    i would be pissed if rocket spent time on arma 3 dayz mod and not the standalone.
  5. osiriszoran

    a normal day in churno

    its not delivery its DiChurno
  6. osiriszoran

    Cool exchange this morning..

    switch to pistrol and ironsight head shot proft?
  7. osiriszoran

    Who the fuck?

    The question was in regards to weapon technology. Not political victory.
  8. osiriszoran

    Who the fuck?

    Ok will take you out into the forest during a zombie apocalypse shoot you in non-vital areas and see how long you survive or how much you can accomplish. Good luck not bleeding out or choking to death on your own blood. Or dying from infection. Your stories are proof that with medical attention you can survive a gun shot wound to a critical location.
  9. osiriszoran

    Who the fuck?

    3 million NVA/VC casualties vs 55,000 American. Who really won?
  10. osiriszoran

    Who the fuck?

    You watch too many movies. Adrenaline doesn't turn you into beast mode. There has been accounts of large men hopped up on PCP able to take multiple gunshots but in real life what you're talking is non-sense. 1 gun shot to the torso area is easily fatal considering it depressurizes your thoracic cavity making it very difficult to breathe. Sure your heart is pumping blood but your lungs are collapsing. Also most of your "accounts" have those people being saved in a hospital. NOT HAPPENING in an Apocalypse.
  11. Mother of God, Idiocracy is coming true right before our vary eyes.
  12. congrats on killing 3 people per server hop. Loser. Maybe if that was 47 kills on ONE server that was always high pop.
  13. osiriszoran

    Bus fun

    some guy tried to steal my bus once when i parked it in sterry by the tents. didnt get far when the 203 round hit the driver side window.
  14. osiriszoran

    This new patch ROCKZ!

    so quit
  15. osiriszoran

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    canadians dont curse.
  16. osiriszoran

    *Urgent* Intl Airport Firehouse

    the medic could of easily asked what building he was in and tossed a grenade in.
  17. osiriszoran

    Looking for extremely serious group

    except the one im on is run by a clan that accepts donations. considering the server is always full and they're looking to add another server. They're prolly doing quite ok.
  18. I chat with survivors all the time in elektro and cherno. Maybe you should stop shooting first or entering high risk areas without calling out.
  19. osiriszoran

    Looking for extremely serious group

  20. osiriszoran

    Looking for extremely serious group

    Have fun World of DayZcrafting
  21. osiriszoran

    DayZ: A neat game with no endgame

    Did OP just copy/paste the L4D wiki entry for Zombies?
  22. osiriszoran

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    You see green mountain Simba? You must never go there. It is a dangerous place.
  23. osiriszoran

    Winchester or Lee Enfield? [POLL]

    they can only use 1866 slug ammo
  24. osiriszoran

    This is NOT a zombie game...
