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Everything posted by osiriszoran

  1. osiriszoran

    FN FAL or AKM?

    lol who uses the zeroing on a AKM????? if you're firing at someone whose 300m chances are you're going to miss em anyway and give away your position to snipers.
  2. osiriszoran

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    reported post for trolling... /next
  3. osiriszoran

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    OP is a terrible troll
  4. osiriszoran

    Snipers are actually piñatas.

    except for the snipers who kill 1-4 people from their spot then switch servers.
  5. osiriszoran

    Lasting Appeal?

    Dat feel when you finally get bored of a game. Its ok bro, happens to everyone at some point. Starting to feel it myself as my playing time has gone down.
  6. osiriszoran

    Implement a leveling system

    porkyham, yet here you are standing on your "moral highground" Being the hero that Dayz deserves. lol.
  7. osiriszoran

    Implement a leveling system

    no & seems pointless
  8. osiriszoran

    DayZ Danger Map

  9. osiriszoran


    I ll make sure to remind myself to post the same hypocritical search comment the next post that pops up to remind us of the hard work the devs do.
  10. osiriszoran


    too bad you didnt use search for the 1000 threads that say the same thing as this.
  11. osiriszoran

    Player Identification and Classification System

    Optional LOL. it means giving people a certain "edge" then it doesn't become optional. Besides it should reset after that person dies considering its a "new" survivor every time you die. So it would be pointless especially when people under this system could just change their clothes or even player profile face and look different. If anything they should just add more "suits" to find that you can change into like the camo or ghillie.
  12. osiriszoran


    they should put bath salts in the game too right?
  13. osiriszoran

    Player Identification and Classification System

    Nope. Game doesn't need any forced systems that force you into doing something.
  14. osiriszoran

    So I died with all my good gear!

    if you're using flares that will blind people with NVGs.
  15. osiriszoran

    First Experience with Ghosters

    Yeah Ghosters are a bunch of Tossers. me and a buddy were raiding the NW airfield when we had a sniper pinned down in the air dome. I was flanking out to toss a grenade in at him when i took a bullet to the back knocking me unconcious. My buddy then scopes over to behind me and sees a guy coming up on me and puts a bullet in his head. i regain concious, bandage, and go around the air dome and look inside. It was empty. The sniper inside had ghosted to a airdome behind me to be able to zero in on where my buddy was sniping him from and saw me outside the first air dome. Luckily justice was served this day. Ghosters and DCers are SO LAME.
  16. osiriszoran

    So I died with all my good gear!

    in all honesty sometimes it takes a death to find good gear. i was driving a car when i drove into a small black rubbish pile and exploded. After respawning in Kamenka i ran North hitting deer stands and to my surprise made it to zelenogorsk with an M24 and an M24 in my Czech backpack : O
  17. osiriszoran

    So I died with all my good gear!

    i see what you did there
  18. osiriszoran

    NW Airfield base in short supply?

    the loot system is still sketchy to figure out as there hasn't been an official word on how it works yet AFAIK.
  19. osiriszoran

    I'll admit it..

    i have no idea what you're saying. But i ll just leave knowing these facts. FACT: you're so bad you failed at exploiting (Alt F4). FACT: You're so bad at sniping you empty an entire clip and miss someone breaking a major cardinal rule of sniping. FACT: You just keep digging yourself deeper with how pathetic you are with the way you present your "justifications".
  20. osiriszoran

    I'm A New Player

    see my sig
  21. osiriszoran

    Game is... either too easy or too hard, depending.

    A kill is a kill is a false pretense. There is such a thing as a "good" kill and a "bad" kill. a good kill would be killing an equally geared player because they're a bigger threat = bigger thrill of the hunt = more glorious the feeling. A bad kill would be killing the unarmed. It feels good for a second but then it goes away. Basically while the bandits of the north are getting high on pure cocaine you're smoking dirty crack rock in a back alley.
  22. osiriszoran

    Bear Traps

    Firing your gun should never be disabled unless you have the safety on. That is a dumb suggestion.