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Everything posted by osiriszoran

  1. osiriszoran

    Looking for extremely serious group

    Only pansies spread their gear out over multiple servers and why HIVE servers blow ass. Thankfully there are Non-Hive servers that force people to play on only one server and the admins are active about banning Alt F4s or Dcers.
  2. osiriszoran

    [VIDEO] The Walking Dead meets Day Z

    whose the retarded sounding raging australian/Englishman?
  3. osiriszoran

    This is how you deal with Bandits.

    Also, you might of wanted to be somewhere overwatching your mates and not "in the thick of it" with a M107 lol. You could of safely shot that guy at the control tower from 800m and the safety of a pine tree. Also you would of been able to view the whole airfield buildings and give visual ID on enemy movements to your assault forces. Depends on the size of your group. 3 man team should have at least One sniper overwatch. 4 man Team, 2 sniper overwatch from different sides.
  4. all the red buildings in cherno go booom
  5. osiriszoran

    Looking for extremely serious group

    How have you not been raided yet? Usually camps don't stay hidden long. especially when hackers can use vehicle radars.
  6. osiriszoran

    I Can't be attached to my items

    why did you DC? You realize if you pick something up then DC right away it hasn't saved in the HIVE.
  7. osiriszoran

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    Just dont enter the green shack there.....
  8. osiriszoran

    *Urgent* Intl Airport Firehouse

    if you didnt trust them just stash your gear and run over with a enfield and medical gear. Problem?
  9. osiriszoran

    Winchester or Lee Enfield? [POLL]

    yeah it was really easy to aim with the graphics glitch messing with the screen. I shot them both in the leg on purpose because its funnier and i enjoy toying with my kills. Only CoD kiddies whine abot OMGEEERD HEARDSHEERT! But i did record a Winchester killing before this one. It tells the true story of who really killed Tupac. Sorry i was going for the OMGERD HEARDSHERT but the dude ran as i was lining it up. Apparently im an excellent legs marksman though.
  10. osiriszoran

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    while we were there in starry some random guy came up and tried to steal our bus. it was quite comical when we lit it up with M4 fire and a 203 round. Luckily, the bus survived it except for a wheel which we happened to find off another bandit we had just killed. It was quite the surprise.
  11. osiriszoran

    This is how you deal with Bandits.

    My only criticism is how long you leave yourself exposed on the airfield...just sitting there drinking a soda lol. You're lucky that group was noob and didnt have their guy with the DMR overwatching or some random sniper out there.
  12. osiriszoran

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    Snipers are a fact of life in war and the ZED apocalypse.
  13. No military force in the word trains you to aim for head shots unless you're in sniper training. Center of mass shooting = real world.
  14. osiriszoran

    DayZ Memes

  15. osiriszoran

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    You could always run the tent over if you're so "bored" with having every item in the game.
  16. osiriszoran


    from my usual sniper nest near the NWAF for overwatch all i could see was one building at 500m instead of the entire Airfield : /
  17. osiriszoran

    Thoughts from my first day playing DayZ

    Its not steep at all if you can read the DayZ wiki and understand the DayZdb loot map. There is zero time commitment in this game. Its Sandbox meaning you play at your speed. You're just trying to justify your short comings.
  18. Yeah and what server pop you play on? Because my clan had a ural with tons of guns in it and it got stolen from us (we stole it back lol) Then it was stolen again. The Ural sticks out like a sore thumb especially at night time to people with NVGs and the servers i've been on people were ALWAYS canvassing the map for tents and vehicles. Also Hackers can have a vehicle radar to find your stash. I find that hard to believe that someone can hide a vehicle for longer than 2 weeks without it getting stolen unless storing stuff off map is working again.
  19. osiriszoran

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Fail Troll. Sorry i dont dupe NVGs, L85s, AS50s, etc
  20. osiriszoran

    Thoughts from my first day playing DayZ

    yeah the game isnt for lazy people or those used to having their hand held.
  21. osiriszoran

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    DMRs, 50 cals, GPS, ammo, grenades. M24s, etc We were at the NWAF before and no one was around so we got bored and headed to stary as we usually find some action there and we did. It was mostly for the lulz of having a bus and the audacity to load it up with stuff right at the tents.
  22. osiriszoran

    Thoughts from my first day playing DayZ

    read my guide in my sig.
  23. osiriszoran


    450m, put at 400m and aim at their head. prolly hit in the chest high leg area. if you put at 500m just aim lower on the target, like their hip. 490m, put at 500m. its close enough to hit near the cross hair.
  24. Sounds like you've watched way to many movies. Also they're technically infected, meaning they are still ALIVE meaning they would still die from wounds sustained not to the head.
  25. osiriszoran

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Are me and my mates Loot cycling right? There was 37 people online, we killed 3 people while we were in stary filling the bus up. Good thing for Overwatch!