To put it simply, in the mod or the standalone, which is the most defining moment of your Day-Z career that has made you who you are? What one choice defined your overall temperament as a player? For Example: - You noticed a man getting robbed at gunpoint so you sneak down and kill the gunman, returning the gear and saving the man before continuing on your journey, this defined me as a good person. or... - I saw a bambi and decided to handcuff him and kill him and his group of friends for their beans.. This defined me as an asshole. Mine is this I was dressed in my normal police uniform, with the anti-stab vest and some dark carbos along with my blue UN helmet, traveling alongside the road with my SKS and my Sawn-off... I noticed a group of well-armed men approaching and took cover behind a fence. As they approached... They encounted a bambi who was undoubtedly about to be murdered... I tried my best and shot a few of them before they ran off into the foliage and helped the bambi arm up with one of the bodies that died. After that I took the bambi along with me to the ship and we armed up and still play together to this day. I usually play alone, but this defined me as someone who puts their own safety before others unless a good opportunity presents itself.